I love you for you (Nashton)

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Sooo, I decide to write Nashton for the first chapter. Simply because they both are insanely adorable.



(I love you for you -Nashton)

Ashton POV

This is it! Today is the day that I would finally meet One Direction!

I've been their fans since their very start, and I couldn't be more excited to meet them.

I've been up early in the morning, making sure that I look my best. I even bother to style my hair today. Something that I rarely do, since I don't really think about it. BUT, I will be meeting One Direction today, of course I have to look my best.

To be honest, I wouldn't bother that much if I didn't have a stupid crush on one of the member of One Direction.

Who? Easy question. It's Niall Freaking Horan. I mean, come one. That dude is so adorable. His shiny big blue eyes, his dyed blond hair, his flawless skin, his amazing voice, his nice body... I seriously could go on forever, but I don't really have time for that right now.

After making sure that my hair look decent, there's no stain or wrinkles on my shirt, and making sure that I've brought their three CDs with me, I ran out of my room and quickly grab my keys. I don't even bother to have breakfast first, I need to be there as soon as possible.

It only took me 15 minutes to drive, since the street is not so busy early in the morning. I park my car in the slightly packed parking lot and make my way to the front door.

There are already lots of teenage girls in the line, bringing the same hope as me. Hope to be noticed. Though they would have a bigger chance than me, because they're.. well.. girls. And clearly I'm not a girl.

It took an hour for the gate to be opened and I feel my excitement built up again. I probably have a hundred girl in front of me but I don't care.

As the line start getting shorter and shorter, I feel my breath get stuck in my throat. I caught a glimpse of all the boys talking to the girls in front of me and feel like I could faint in that instant. They are all so amazing it's overwhelming.

Finally, it came down to just one girl and I'm finally up! I walk shakily towards them, trying my best to make an eye contact with the first boy which happen to be Louis. He look surprised to see me, but smile nonetheless.

"Hi, I don't we have a fanboy here. What's your name?" Louis ask with his cheerful high voice. I could feel my head spinning because Louis Tomlinson just talk to me.

"Uh, hi, uh, my name is Ashton. I'm a big fan. uh, yeah..." I mentally facepalm at how stupid I sound. Louis just chuckled at how nervous I sound and grab the CDs from my shaky hand. After he put his signature he hand my CDs to the next guy, which happen to be Harry.

"Hey Ashton, you seems cool. How old are you?" He ask while signing my CDs.

"I'm 19." I say, becoming more nervous than I did before.

After Harry signed all my CDs it was Zayn's turn, then Liam's. They all make a small talk with me too, just like Harry and Louis did.

When it finally come to Niall, I start to shake like crazy again. When Niall flash me his smile I swear I just stop breathing. He looks even more gorgeous up close.

"Uhm, hi Niall. I'm Ashton. You're very beautiful." I say to him, not even noticing what I just said. It was when Niall look at me funny that it just dawned to me that I just call him beautiful. "Sorry, I mean.." My words got cut off by Niall's adorable giggle.

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