Kiss (Nosh AU)

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I have nothing to do that it's half 3 in the morning and I can't even fall asleep so I just write this.

THIS IS KINDA HIGH SCHOOL AU, so bare with me please.


Niall and Josh laying beside each other in Niall's bed, eyes softly scanning the ceiling as Michael Bublé plays in the background. Their school uniform still clinging to their body.

"Josh, have you ever wonder what it feels like to kiss someone?" The younger boy's question catch him off guard that he almost fell down the bed.

"W-what? Where did that come from Ni?" Blush start to creep up Josh's handsome face, he could feel his own cheek heating up.

"I don't know. I mean, it's really stupid, but I'm just curious I guess? I just want to know what it feels like to kiss someone. It's stupid that I'm 17 and never even kiss anyone." (Story of my life~)

Josh's mind is racing. Sure, he thinks about kissing someone (Niall), but it's never really concerned him that much. But now, with Niall asking him, he let his mind wanders to where he could kiss Niall's pink lips.

A soft clap in front of his face startled Josh so much that he roll out of bed, landing not so softly to the floor.

"Oh my god, Josh are you alright?" Niall peers at the boy who rubbed his shoulder frantically.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Josh says as he stand up and climb back into bed.

"Well, about your question... I have to admit that I sometimes think about it, but it never really concerns me. But now you asking me, I have to admit that I kinda am."

"Uhm.. do you want to, maybe, you know..." Niall trailed off his words, his cheek turn redder that it's painfully adorable.

"What Ni? Just spit it out."

"You know, maybekisseachother." Niall hide his face into his pillow when he sees Josh's eyes widen.

"Uhm.. Pardon Ni? I didn't quiet catch it." Niall slowly removed the pillow from his face, still blushing furiously.

"Maybe.. you and I could like, I don't know, practice with... Each other? If you want to of course. I just, I'm sorry I'm weird."

Josh's heart beating frantically on his chest. His mind racing with so many different thought at once.

'Did Niall really asked me that? Did Niall really want to kiss me? Is this really happening? Is this even real life?!" Those are pretty much what's inside Josh's mind.

"It's okay if you don't want to.. It's just a-"

"No. It's okay. Let's do it." Josh cut off Niall's words before he could even finish it, too eagerly if you asked me.

"Uhh, okay, if you don't mind that."

So the two boys start to lean in slowly, both not really knowing what to do with each other. Once they're already nose to nose, they closed their eyes and let their lips meet.

If it was some sort of movies or cartoon or something from the big screen, fireworks would light up in the background, sparks would be flying everywhere, and rainbow would appear. But since it's not, the only sound that occupy the room is Michael Bublé's sexy voice and their heavy breathing.

The kiss is kinda awkward, since it's their first time kissing anyone, but it still it sweet. Both boys move kinda unsurely but still in sync. It's like they both are made for each other. (or maybe they are ;-) )

After sometimes, they both broke the kiss, both of them panting but smiling happily.

"That's umm, nice? It's good." Josh says as soon as they broke their kiss.

"Yeah, I definitely like it. That's awesome." Niall agree with the older boy, face supporting an adorable grin.

They sat in silence for a little while, before Niall broke the silence again.

"I think we should practice how to make out."

"Yeah, I think we should."

So, they end up making out in Niall's bed.

And if things escalated from there, I'm sure as hell won't protest ;-)


*screaming with no sound and do the hula dance bc of Nosh*

*Die peacefully*

*Get back to life with the kiss of Calum Hood*



And also thank you for your sweet comment on my "Getting to know me" chapter. I'm so happy that I have you guys by my side. You guys really are the best and I love each one of you. Thank you for being my friends guys :-)

Sasha x

1D and 5SOS BROMANCE one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora