Dude your lil bro is kinda cute (Michael/Niall)

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Based on that prompt from @Cheerpenguin1

Idk what's happening here actually (like, look at that title tho)

Michael is kinda regretting ever hating Luke Hemmings.

If you're expecting something sappy to happen from that sentence then you're sadly mistaken.

Okay, maybe Michael kinda regretting it because Luke's proven to be a super super super great friend sometimes (actually, most of the time, but Michael's pride is bigger than that). But that's not really the main reason why Michael regrets ever hating him.

It's more because of the adorable kid that resemble Luke so much in the account of the blonde hair and blue eyes (only much more prettier, and nicer, and kinder, and funnier, and more adorable, and cuter, and- okay I'm sure you get it, in Michael's head)

Like seriously, if he's not such an idiot back then he could've make his move on Niall Hemmings a lot more sooner. They could already be cuddling while watching lots of disney movies right now.

And like, it'll be easier for Michael to get Luke's blessing..... Probably.

"The fück you just said?" Luke's stares is unnerving and it's freaking ridiculous for fück sake. He's seen Luke acting too much like an idiot around his boyfriend to actually feel threatened.

But lately Luke's been changing into this mature (not so) lil guy, who's all soft facial hair and sharp gaze and all tallness, and Mikey's feeling a bit (too much?) intimidated.

"Uhm... I said your little brother is pretty cute and I kinda ask if I could like, date him?" Michael repeat a little unsurely, trying to act and look all innocent. But by the hardening glare he receive he's pretty sure it's not working him any favor.

"And you would think I'd say yes because..." Luke's staring challengingly at him, which is, once again, fücking ridiculous.

"Because I'm your bestfriend and you love me and deep down you knew I'll be good to your baby brother and like, because I'm awesome?" The sigh he receive is overpowering all level of ridiculousness. Mikey knew Luke knew he's true. Why isn't he saying yes already, save his time and all that.

"Okay, and even if I did say yes (Mikey almost squeal at that), I said IF, Mikey (ugh Luke Hemmings is such an asshole), why would you think my baby brother would want to date YOU."

"Psh, because I'm awesome. And trust me, he so would want to date me. I'm charming as hell. And besides, I basically has A+ at flirting. There's no way he'd say no."

"Yeah right keep telling yourself that. Alright then, do as you please. But if you hurt him I'll have you know that I'm going to enjoy torturing you so bad you'll ask for my mercy. And not to mention, for my two older brother. So be careful Mikey."

(And nope, Michael didn't gulp nervously at that. Nope. What are you talking about)


Apparently, getting with the youngest Hemmings brother is easier said than done.

Well, Niall didn't flat out rejecting him or something, but he's not exactly jumping up and down in joy when Michael shows him his interest.

Like one time he tried to ask Niall to go and grab a dinner with him and all he's saying that he already had plan with some kid named Harry (fucking Harry, whoever he is) and told Michael that maybe they could go another time.

Another time, Michael bought two tickets to an All Time Low concert, low-key playing it as he won the other one and invited Niall to come. But of course life loves to play a game on him, Niall refused because apparently, his final test was held the day after the concert was held which means Liz would never let him go out, and thanking him for his kindness.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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