Hey stranger, I want you to catch me like a cold (Nashton AU)

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Idk, this is short. But I'm in a happy mood and decided to write something.

Title from: Hurricane by Panic! At the Disco

Get well soon to Mikey and Cal :-( luv u ma bbs
"Dude, cutie alert, 2 o'clock, try to be as subtle as you can though." Michael says as we study for our final exam at the University library.

My eyes shot up from my boring textbook and try to subtly look around at the somewhat packed library until my eyes land on the guy that Michael mentioned to.


That guy is a cutie indeed. But why does he looks freaking familiar tho...

"Wait, you're only saying he's a cutie because his looks resemble Luke a lot didn't you?"

Michael and his boyfriend Luke just got together a few weeks ago and to say that Michael is completely smitten and a goner for his boyfriend would be a terrible understatement.

"Probably, but he's really a cutie tho. You should go and try to make a move on him. You've been alone for almost 3 years and it's starting to make me sad."

I roll my eyes at his exaggerated statement, sure I've been single for a while, but even I wasn't bothered by the fact, let alone Michael.

But he kinda makes a point in a way, that boy is cute, there won't be any harm in trying to get to know him. The worse he could do is think that I'm a total creeper. And if that happens there's a big chance that I would never see him again. Not a bad scenario.

"If that guy turn me down we'd never step a foot in this place again."

"Fair enough. Now go and use that Irwin charm."

I stand from my seat with a grace I never really knew I possessed and quickly racked my brain to think of a way to charm that blonde cutie.

When I think of one I smirk to myself, casually making my way towards the guy, only stoping to turn around to send a wink to Michael. He mouthed good luck to me and my smirk grows wider.

Watch and learn young grasshopper.

I continue to make my way to where he's looking for some books in the shelves ahead.

I act like I don't see where I'm going, making me stumble slightly towards him and proceed to "accidentally" fall into the arm of the cute stranger.

"Whoa there, careful." The stranger says as he catch me by my arm. I could hear his distinct accent. Was it British? Nah. Irish? Most probably. It was hot af tho.

And then with my outmost confident, I say to him "Hey stranger, I want you to catch me like a cold"

The stranger is now looking at me with an amused look as I try to act as sheepish as I could before finally broke out into a fit of giggle.

"Well then, I think I kind of already did. Any good medicine suggestion?" The stranger flirt back.

"Well, is coffee for tomorrow afternoon seems like a good enough cure for you?"

"Make it a pizza and movie marathon then I think i'm good."

"Fantastic. Here's my number. Make sure you text me and I'll send you the address later." I say asI scribble my number at a piece of paper and hand it to him with a flirtatious smile.

"The name's Ashton. See you later, stranger." I say as I start to walk back to my seat, sending Michael a pleased grin as he gives me two thumbs up.

Just as I reach my seat and high five Michael, I feel my phone buzzed in my back pocket.

"My name's Niall. Is tomorrow around 6 okay? x" The text says.

"Sure thing, here's my address xxxxx street apartment number xx. Second floor. See you tomorrow stranger ;-)"



That was stupid but whatever. I'm feeling really happy today.

First of all, I just finished my final exams so no more boring classes for me for the next three months.

And the second and the most delightful news I've received today is that Gabriel (my bestfriend that I told you in the last a.n) is been doing great with the treatment. We had a long talk earlier, he said he's been feeling better and is allowed to go home in the end of this week. That's like a super great news and I'm so happy that he's been doing okay and I hope he would always be okay. Thank you all for your support I really appreciate it :-)

Sasha x

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