Sorry for my dissapearance (AN)

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Hi guys, I know I haven't post anything in months and you guys are probably mad at me and I'm so terribly sorry.

It's just, I'm still struggling with college, and with myself, and with everything and I haven't got much time to just sit and write something in here and it's terrible because I feel like I'm disappointing you guys and i'm being shít and I'm so sorry once again.

I'll try to write and post something this friday because that's when my midterm tests over, and I wanna thank you and tell you guys that I love you so much if you guys still reading this.

Thank you if you're still sticking around, you're like my reason to go on. love ya guys :-)

(P.s I wrote this when I have 10 minutes bathroom break, i'm so cool)

(P.p.s I'm not actually cool, I'm super lame I just love you guys so much and wanted you to know i'm still alive)


Sasha x

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