Tutoring (Cake AU)

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Requested by @percabeth4evr. Thanks for the request :-)

On the other hand, the story that I mentioned in the last chapter is up, you all could check that out in my profile if you're interested!

So, on with da story!


Calum POV

I watch dumbfounded at the piece of paper that laid on my desk.


This is bullshit! I've worked so hard on that test, how on earth could a get a D?!

Is it because I like the D? I mean, I know I always want a D, but not this kind of D!! (If you know what I'm saying, heh)

F you, Mrs. Loreign.

"Alright everyone, you have done such a wonderful job on that test." I scoffed at that, how could a D be wonderful.

"Except for you Calum, you got a D." Of course. Just mention my embarrassing mark to the rest of the class will you.

"Wooh, looks like Calum finally got the D." I hear Michael says from behind me, followed by a sound of slapping skin which I assumed him high five-ing Ashton.

Some bestfriend they are.

"Michael, Ashton, behave. And for you Calum, I will assign someone to tutor you after school. And you have to come, unless you wanted a detention." Everyone turns silence since Mrs.Loreign proceed to continue with the lesson. Ugh, fuck my life.


The bell for the final lesson is finally ringing but I couldn't get myself to be excited like I usually am. This bell means the start of my tutoring, how could I be excited?

"Cheer up, that tutoring probably won't be that bad." Ashton try to cheer me up.

"Ugh, if it wasn't that bad, why don't you just go?" I make an exasperated groan.

"Because I'm not the one who gets a D Cal, I actually got a B+." He grins cockily.

"Ugh, just rub in my face Ash, go on."

"Hey, hey, Ashton probably right Cal. That dude that you got a crush on, who his name again? Luke right? I heard he's like really good at science. Mrs. Loreign probably assigned him to tutor you." Michael try to help Ashton to lighten my mood, which not works that great.

"Or, Mrs. Loreign could assign some needy kid who would be pissed whenever I couldn't understand what they're saying and judge me for how stupid I am." I rub my face frantically, making my two best friends send me a sympathetic smile.


I slowly walk to the class where my tutoring would be held, in hope that Mrs. Loreign and whoever she assigned to tutor me would be bored and decide to just go home instead of waiting for me.

When I finally reach the classroom, I took a deep breath before opening the door.

Inside, I could see Mrs. Loreign sitting on the teacher desk, her laptop in front of her. I didn't see anyone beside her so that's probably mean that she's the one that would tutor me. Great.

I could already tell that this tutoring thing would be the worst thing that I would experience.

When I walk inside the room, Mrs. Loreign shifts her attention from her laptop to me. She then ask me to sit down and I just obey her.

"Right, now we just need to wait for.." Her words being cut up by a Blonde haired guys that's running to the classroom. Me and Mrs. Loreign watch with wide eye as the boy panting for his life.

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