Untitled (Larry Stylinson AU)

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Another One Direction ship, and it's Larry braah! I'm actually very insecure about this bc Larry is perf and I don't know if I pictured it right in my story.

But here it is.


It was July 15 when the event occurred.

Harry was sleeping soundly on his and his boyfriend of three years' bed when a weird sounding alarm blaring through the room, waking the boy from his peaceful slumber.

He woke up in a jolt, clearly shocked from the loud sound that come from his phone beside his right ear.

'Weird.' He thought. 'I don't remember setting my alarm clock last night nor putting it beside me.'

He was about to slide his screen to turn off the obnoxious sound so his beautiful boyfriend won't wake up but then he realized that his boyfriend is not sleeping beside him like he thought he would be.

Frowning, Harry went to slide off his screen when he notice that someone put a little reminder on it.

"Hey Hazzaa! I bet this woke you up HAHA. Anyway, I've prepared breakfast downstairs so you better eat that up and get ready ;). -boobear xx" Seeing that, Harry smiles brightly and trotted down to the kitchen where his breakfast is waiting.

He doesn't hope much actually, seeing Louis is not the brightest cook, but when he found a box of cereal, a cartoon of milk, and a glass full of orange juice, he can't help but crack up because that's so Louis.

In the table, sit a note that Harry's sure came from Louis. It said "I hope you weren't expecting a big english breakfast is ready on the table because you know I suck at cooking ;) Enjoy your meal Hazza!!" Harry chuckled amusedly and start to eat his breakfast that his boyfriend "prepared" for him.

After finishing his bowl of cereal and his glass of orange juice, he walked back upstairs to his bathroom to start getting ready.

He took his time with the shower and deciding on what to wear. He decided to settle with a button down shirt and a pair of dark skinny jeans, along with dark vans.

Just as he was finished getting ready his phone buzzed, signaling he got a message. He look at his phone and see that it's Louis.

"Hey babe? You finished getting ready yet? Damn, I can't wait to see you, you must look hella fine right now. Btw, Li is picking you up in a minute x" Harry smiled at the text and decide do wait for Liam in the living room.

He play around with his Iphone game, he knew not to text Louis at times like this because Louis would never answer. That dope like to keep him guessing.

After awhile he finally hear a knock on his door, he power walk to the door and open it to find a smiling Liam.

"Hey Haz, you ready to go?" He ask with his usual kind smile. Harry nod his head excitedly and lock the door behind him.

They drove around town and finally came to a stop at Niall's apartment block, which left Harry confused as ever.

"Uhm.. Li, why are we here?" Harry asked.

"Because Louis told me to bring you here, I don't know Haz." Liam says still with a smile. Harry want to ask more but he decide against it.

He follows Liam into Niall's room, which surprisingly packed with their friends. There's Niall in the couch, Zayn and Perrie in the kitchen, Josh, Michael, and Calum playing Fifa in the lounge.

"Eyyy Harry, come join us mate!" Niall called from the couch, waving his hand to his younger friend.

Harry then start to make his way to the couch, soon being engulfed in Niall's famous Horan hug.

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