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Hey guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't really update or even write anything lately. It's just that I've been busy with college and I'll be having my end of semester tests in a week, not to mention that I got promoted to be the captain of my dance team because my senior that's supposed to be the captain dropped out from my Uni.

And on top of all of that one of my best friend was just diagnosed with brain tumor and we still doesn't know if it's severe or not. He's been at the hospital for a week now and I can't even visit him because he's in America and I'm not. I'm so sad and most of all scared because I really really love him and there's a slight chance that he could passed away and I won't get any chance to see him at all. I'm scared of losing him. Period.

I don't really know when I will write something again, hopefully everything will turn to the better and I could write something again.

Thank you for all of you who's still reading my stories even though I'm a really shîtty writer that rarely update. I love and appreciate all of you guys :-)

Sasha x

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