Perks of having a cuddly boyfriend on a winter day (Nashton AU)

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Merry Christmas everyone! Here's a little christmas special.

Maybe a little short, but this request came from @NashtonHorwinIsLife


"Oi Ashton, Ashy, Ash, Baby, Boo, wake up, it's christmas!" Ashton could only groan as he feel his boyfriend jumping on the bed he's currently sleeping on. Niall never one to be known to wake up someone in the nicest way.

"Ni.... Shut up. It's too early for this. Besides, aren't you too old for this?" Ashton respond grumpily, never one to be happy in the early morning.

"You shut up Mr. Grumpy Pants. You'll never be too old for anything. Come on, I want to open presents and watch so many christmas movies and cuddle while we drink hot chocolate. Come on Ashy."

"Ugh, can't we just cuddle in bed instead?" Ashton ask with a pout, it's so cute that Niall almost gave in from the cuteness.

Keyword, almost.

"Nope. Come on, where's your christmas spirit?"

"Fine, fine, I'll wake up. But gimme a kiss first." Niall roll his eyes as an act pf fondness and kiss Ashton straight on the mouth. Ashton makes voices resembling grumpy puppy as Niall break the kiss.

"Go brush your teeth, I'll wait for you downstairs."

"Yes mummy."

Niall could only chuckle at that.


"Niall come closer I'm still cold." Ashton whine as he hold Niall closer to his chest, stealing all Niall body heat the best he could.

After eating breakfast and tearing all the christmas gifts wrappers, Niall forced Ashton to go outside and play in the snow with him. Ashton, being the fellow Australian he is, didn't do well with the cold and now he's in constant need of Niall everlasting body heat.

"Come here you poor baby." Niall open his arms wider to which Ashton use the opportunity to latch his body completely to the older boy and nuzzle his freezing nose to the crook of his boyfriend's neck.

"You're very warm." Ashton breath put as he cuddle his super cute but sometimes super annoyingly energetic boyfriend.

"That's cause I'm Irish." Niall says as he kiss Ashton's hair, down to his forehead, and to his nose, to his cheeks, and lastly kiss his luscious lips.

"That makes no sense at all."

"Well so am I."

"I love you Niall Horan."

"And I love you too Ashton Irwin."

And the two boyfriends spends their christmas day tucked away together full of kisses and cuddles.

1D and 5SOS BROMANCE one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora