Pick you up if you fall to pieces (Nashton AU)

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This one is for @Crazygirl27_ who requested for a Nashton. Thank you so much for your request and prompt :-).

This is an AU where Niall is just ordinary boy but Ashton still is in 5SOS.



Niall POV

"I don't understand Ash, why did he do that to me? I-i though he loved me. He-he said that, he w-ants to b-be with me, until we both old and he said- he said we would h-have kids together, and.." My breath hitched as I sobs loudly on my bestfriend's chest. Something that I've been doing for an hour by now.

You see, today I was supposed to meet up with my boyfriend to go on a date because it's our 7 months anniversary. He told me to meet him at the park at 6 and then we would walk to dinner together.

I decide that I would just turn up a bit early, y'know to calm my giddiness and all, but instead of calming myself I found my boyfriend lip locked with some other boy that I don't know.

Without thinking, I ran towards them and pull them apart before slapping my boyfriend right on the cheek. I start cursing at him and all he does was just shrug and told me that he had enough of me and just broke up with me.

I ran back to my flat, called Ashton who thankfully is in town, and here I am now.

"Shh, it's okay Ni. Everything's going to be okay. Jeremy's a jerk, and he most definitely doesn't deserve someone as special as you are." Ashton says as he draws circle on my back, calming my raging breath.

After sometimes consist of me crying like a mess I am, and Ashton soothing me like the amazing person he is. I finally start to calm down. My sobs has settled down though there's still tears running down my cheek.

"I-i'm sorry that you have to deal with me Ash. Oh god, I really ruined your day off didn't I?" I sniffled and feeling a bit guilty to make Ashton to stay with me.

"No, no, no. That's fine Niall. I'm glad I could be here with you. I'm your bestfriend, it's my job to cheer you up again."

"Thank you Ash, you are the best friend anyone could ever ask for." I state as I hug Ashton closer to me.




Of course Niall only sees me as his bestfriend.

Fuck you Jeremy.

Actually no, thanks for cheating on Niall. Well, no, not like that. I don't mean it that way.

Great I'm talking to myself in my own mind.

"Ashy, you okay? You zone out mate." Nial says, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay Ni." I say, making him chuckling cutely.

"Y'know Ash, heartbreak sucks."

"I know. That's why, I'm going to help you to get through this." I say smugly.

"Really? How?" He asks curiously.

"I have my ways. Just sit back and enjoy Ni."


Third person POV

The next week consist of Ashton trying to make Niall forget about his heartbreak.

He would take Niall to, what he called, "friendship" date. He would also bring food to Niall's apartment and end up watching movie and snuggling on the couch.

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