Wishes do come true (Marry AU)

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Requested by:@AnimatorBLANK
(This story would all be in Harry POV)

I was ten when I ask for santa to give me a little brother for christmas this year.

Don't get me wrong, I already got Liam as my older brother, but I want a little one who would think that I'm his hero and would look up to me or something. And of course he would think that I'm the cooler older brother because let's face it, Liam's the sternest fourteen years old anyone could ever met.

Again, don't get me wrong. Liam's nice and he protect me from everything. But sometimes he's even more stern than Alex and Jack, my foster parents.

To be quite honest, I've been bugging them for the past month to give me a little brother, but they only shrug it pff and say that Liam and I are quite handful already.

I didn't talk to them for a week after that.

Santa (or Jack and Alex) finally hears my prayer on christmas next year.

I was eleven, and I still want little brother so bad but I don't push Jack and Alex much like I did back when I was ten.

So when Liam woke me up that morning, big grin on his face and excited shrill that we're having another brother, I took no time to sprung up my bed and running downstairs.

There, on our living room, Alex and Jack stood with the cutest boy I've ever seen, and I know Niall Horan so that's should be saying a lot.

"Liam, Harry, meet you little brother Michael. Michael, go and give your brothers a big hug." The boy look timidly at us before finally giving us a big grin, running towards us and hug us.

As Jack and Alex prepare our meal, Michael told us about himself. Said his name is Michael Gaskarth, he's nine years old, and he loves spiderman. Liam and I coo at his cuteness.


I was sixteen when I realize that I may not be straight at all. Living with four insanely hot guys could do that to you.

But what made me realize it more is my feeling for Michael. At first I thought it was just some brotherly affection. That the feeling of protectiveness and the urge of keeping in close contact is just my instinct as his older brother to him. But then I realize that I never feeling that for Liam, and nor Liam to the both of us. So I knew I was screwed because I'm in love with my own foster brother.


When I was seventeen and Michael fifteen, he came to room one night, crying his heart out. It breaks my heart to see him so upset, so I scoot over and pat my bed to signaling him to climb it beside me.

"Michael, hey buddy, what's up? Why are you crying? Did something happen? Did someone hurt you baby? Tell me what's wrong." Michael's probably the most innocent fifteen years old ever, despite having Jack and Alex as his fathers because clearly the two adults are far from innocent, I blame Liam and his overprotectiveness for this.

"Today, there's some boys at school that made fun of me. It's just that, I keep telling them about you and they think it's weird and they made fun of me for loving you. Is it wrong that I love you Harry? Am I not meant to love you Harry? Is it weird?" I feel someone just punch me in the gut. Is it wrong? I don't know. I literally ask myself about it. But those kids wasn't supposed to made fun of Michael because of it.

"I mean, it's probably a little weird. I told them I love you far more than I love Liam, maybe I shouldn't be. I should love you both the same, you both are my brothers, but I can't Harry. I will always love you a lot more than I love Liam. Probably the same amount of love Alex give to Jack and vice versa. Is it wrong? Are you going to make fun of me too? Are you-hmph." I couldn't take it anymore I kiss him in mouth. Michael seems surprised at first, and probably confused, not knowing what to do. But he finally closed his eyes and tried to copy what I do, move his lips a little to copy my lips movement.

I broke the kiss after a while, looking into his oh-so-pretty light green eyes that's swimming in confusion.

"Don't tell anyone but I love you a lot more than I love Liam too. I share the same feeling as you Michael. Now, can you promise me that this would stay as our little secret?"

"I promise." Michael ended up sleeping with me that night, and the night after that, and the many night after that.


We keep our relationship for almost two years.

Two years of sharing secret kisses at night, subtle touches at the dining table, of random movie cuddles and such.

We tried to keep it under the radar, even though it's not as easy as it seems with Liam constantly checking up on us and nosing at our business despite being away for college, not that we're complaining that much we still love Liam a lot.


After much, much discussion, Michael and I decide to come clean to our family about our relationship.

At first, we thought Jack and Alex would throw a rampage and kick us both from the house but all they say was just "oh, you dating? Cool then. You two make a great couple. Just don't fück when Alex and I are home."

"Wait, you guys are not mad at us? Don't think it's disgusting and wrong? You guys not kicking us out from this house?" Michael ask them, hands trembling in my hand. He's clearly distraught with the fact that our foster parents are actually okay with it.

"Look, you both are not blood related or whatever. And besides, love is love. Why would I think you're disgusting for loving each other? Do you think me loving Jack is disgusting?" Alex says with the wisest voice I've ever heard from him.

"Uh..... no?"

"Then the same applied to you both. It's okay to love who you love. And if there's people that tell you otherwise, tell them to shove their opinion up their áss." I've never feel so grateful to have Alex and Jack as my foster parents.

Liam's a bit more skeptical about it than our parents but he still accept us. I think he's a bit confused of who to threaten because we're both his little brother, but he settles to threatening me because I'm older. To which we three laugh afterwards.


That night, as we cuddled in the bed, under the many comforter we had, I feel my heart swell for the love I have for Michael.

"Hey, have I ever told you how beautiful you are and that I love you so much and you make me feel like I'm the luckiest person on earth because I got the chance to hold you? To kiss you? To call you mine? Because it's true Michael."

"I don't know, you probably have. But it won't hurt me to hear you say that more. I really love you Harry. I feel so lucky that Alex and Jack adopt me because I get the chance to meet you and fall in love with you."

We share little kisses here and there, just like we always do.

"I love you so much Michael."

"Me too Haz. Love you too."

And if I ask Santa for Michael to say yes when I propose to him, no one needs to know.


Uhm..... idk....

I hope you like it :-)

Once again, Merry Christmas!

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