When you're going to realize (Cake)

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So @meowgii basically gave me this brilliant idea.

On my last Cashton one, she said that depressed Ashton is kinda overused and there's hardly one with a depressed Calum and I was like, she kinda have a point.

Writing this is also a challenge to me because out of all the boys in 5SOS i couldn't really find Calum's vulnerability point but I think that's the point.

Anyway... I'm just going to remind you that this wouldn't end well...

And I'm sorry if this trigger you, just remember I would always be here for you, I basically don't sleep so I will always up for a talk :-)

I'm in a sad mood so this happened.



Calum knew he wasn't supposed to do what he's doing. But he just can't help himself.

Sitting on the tiled bathroom floor with a bloody razor on his hand, he knew he made such a terrible mistake. But he really can't stop it now.

Sighing, he put the razor beside him and watch as blood pouring uncontrollably from the scars all over his body.

His wrist hurts, his stomach hurts, his legs hurts. But his heart hurts more.

Calum feel light headed, from the blood loss and the tears that blurred his vision, so he stand up and clear all the mess his made. He then proceed to clean himself, wincing everytime the droplets of water would ran over his freshly made scars.

After he finished, he throw on his sweater and Luke's sweats and go on a hunt to find his boyfriend and band mates.

It doesn't long for him to find them all sitting on the couch and watch a movie together. Calum then proceed to put on his fake cheerful smile (the one that no one knows it's fake since Calum always shots that smile to everyone), and plop down on his boyfriend.

Luke let out an "ooff" when Calum's plop himself on top of him but soon smiling like an idiot upon seeing his boyfriend cheerful face.

"Hey babe, watcha' watching?" Luke giggled at how cute his boyfriend sound, making Ashton and Michael cooed from their seat on the couch.

"21 jump street, apparently Ashton has a Channing Tatum obsession." Luke stated, earning a shout "hey" from Ashton and a laugh from Calum.

"Don't worry Ash, Channing Tatum is hot."

"Did you just say that someone is hot in front of your own boyfriend Cal?" Luke fake pout, making Calum giggle and kiss him straight in the mouth.

"I did, but don't worry Luke you're hotter." Calum says with a wink after they both pulled off from their kiss.

Ashton and Michael snickers at them, and Luke throw a cushion at both of them.

The movie is long forgotten since all they do is joking around with one another and giggling like a little child at the time being.

No wonder no one ever knew about Calum's condition.

He hid it well.


Sitting on his bed in the middle of the night, holding a letter and a sleeping pills on his hand, Calum knew that he's going to make a big mistake. But Calum doesn't care.

He's tired of keeping it together, and most importantly, he's tired of living.

He slowly open the lid of the sleeping pills and dump all of it into the palm of his hand. Tiny pills fills his palm as he counted for it.

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