Been missing you (Lashton kinda AU)

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This one shot is based of One Direction song, Half a heart, as I've been listening to that song this past week and become completely obsessed about it.

I actually want to write a Larry with this one, but I think I would work better with Lashton in this, so Lashton it is.

Btw, in this story Luke and Michael are famous but Ashton and Calum isn't.

I hope you guys like it :-)

It's been 6 months and 28 days since Luke been going on tour, 6 months and 28 days since Ashton been waiting for him to come back home and hold him again, 6 months and 28 days too long for the both of them. And the fact that they've been fighting before Luke going on tour wasn't helping the both of them since they're in a no speaking term.

Ashton's been a mess since the first week Luke's been gone. He couldn't seems to drag himself to do anything without having the urge to have a breakdown because everything he do just remind of his blonde haired boyfriend.

Ashton sometimes wished that Luke wasn't a famous singer and just an ordinary college student like he is. That way, he would always be close to Luke and he wouldn't need to miss his boyfriend for a long time. But he knew that it was Luke's dream, so all he could do is just wait for him to come back after living his dream.

It was hard for Luke too. Every time he needs to go on tour, he would wish that he could bring Ashton with him, but he can't. Luke would wished that it was Ashton to go on tour with him, not his best friend Michael. It's not that he don't like Michael, not at all. But he want someone that he could hold every night. Someone that he could share sneaky kisses and occasional cuddle here and there with. And of course he couldn't do that with Michael.

Luke's POV

"Aw come on mate, if you really miss him that much just give him a call." Michael cried out from beside me, his phone in his hand, probably talking to his boyfriend Calum.

"But he's mad at me Michael! And the fact that it's 2am in Australia wasn't exactly helping either." I let out a frustrated sigh, running my hand through my already messy hair.

"It's been over 6 months Luke! I bet Ashton wasn't even mad at you anymore! Calum told me that Ashton's been a mess! He goes to sleep with your sweater on, and he live through the day in a zombie like state. He missed you just like you missed him. Man up and give him a call already!" I sigh in frustration upon hearing Michael's sudden outburst. I didn't know I did that to him.

Deciding to man up I grab my phone and dial a number that I've known for a long time. The phone ring, ring, and ring, but he didn't answer. I feel my heart plummet down because Ashton wasn't answering his phone, but I didn't want to just give up like that, I tried once again but still no answer. And my heart shrink when Ashton doesn't answering my third call.

"He's not answering Mikey, he's really mad at me. Oh my god, I screwed up didn't I? I should've called him immediately, not waited for 6 months to call him. Oh god, did I lose Ashton Mikey? Does he still love me? What if he doesn't anymore? What if he found somebody that always be there for him? What should I do?!" I pace around frantically, running my hand through my blonde hair over and over. I probably look ridiculous by now, but I don't care at all. I could've lost the love of my life because of my stupidity! Oh god Luke Hemmings, why didn't you use your fucking brain.

"Mate, calm down. I'll ring Calum and ask him to speak to Ashton, is that okay with you?" Michael tried to offer me. I quickly nod my head frantically, excited at the thought of hearing Ashton's beautiful voice again.

Michael then pick his phone and quickly dial Calum's number. He must've been awake because it only took 10 seconds for him to answer the phone.

"Hi Mikey baby! I miss you so much!" I could hear Calum's excited voice clearly since Michael put his phone on a loud speaker.

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