You're so cool I got chills looking at you (Zuke Au)

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Basically Luke is Niall's lil bro and he has a crush on Zayn but he thinks Zayn's way out of his league bc Zayn's super cool and Luke's just a lil dork.

Dedicated to @faypatria

Oi Loser, make sure the house's clean. My friends are coming over today.

Lol, jk, you're not a loser. But seriously, my friends are coming so. Love ya Lukey. x

To be quite honest, Luke's been bolting from his bed one he received Niall's slightly mean text because hey, Niall's friends are coming. and if Niall's friends are coming that means Zayn's coming. And if Zayn's coming that means Luke would have a chance to stare at the "oh-so-perfect" guy and hopefully make a of on him.

Ha. Yea right. As if Luke got the balls to make a move on Zayn.

Luke, the dorky sophomore, make a move on Zayn, the coolest and popular senior? What a joke.

But hey, a guy's gotta dream right?

And so Luke's on his quest to make sire the house is as clean and as flawless as ever. Just like how Zayn is.

Once he could hear car engines and Niall's loud laugh, he bolt up to his room with a grace he doesn'y even knew he had and quickly fix himself to make sure that he looks presentable.

Well, as presentable as he could manage anyway. Which is not much. But whatever, he could just use his charm. If he has any.

Yes, Luke's a little hopeless. If not a lot.


Luke jumps up a little as he heard a knock on his bedroom door. He sheepishly grin as he see Niall's head poking in to his room.

"Luke, come join us downstairs. Hazza's bringing Ashton with him, you could go play with him."

"Ni, you're acting like mum." Luke said, unamused, making Niall chuckle at him. "But yeah, I'll be there in a sec. Been a while since I saw Ash anyway."

"Ash, or Zayn? Because last time I recall you went to buy gift for his boyfriend just yesterday."

"Shut up." Luke said, face red as Niall walk out of his room while giggling his ass off.


"Oh my god Ash, look at him. His face is so dreamy." Luke said for roughly the thousandth time since he walk down his room. Ashton could only roll his eyes in total boredom because he probably has heard that phrase more than his should in a span of two years.

"Seriously Luke, I thought by now you'll move on from your crush on him. Or better yet, make a move. But noooo, all you do is just sitting here, while sending love eyes to Zayn who probably didn't notice it at all."

But really, Luke didn't even listening to a single word Ashton said because at that time Zayn choose to look over to them and send Luke a charming smile and a little wave.

Ashton, noticed that his words didn't even reach Luke's ear, could only sigh in exasperation at his bestfriend antics.

"Why do I bother."

From: Ash x
SOS. Hazza just told me that Zayn's having a crush on this guy!!!!!

Luke's eyes bulge out of his socket. He doesn't need to have a second thought to call Ashton right at that moment.


"Okay, I don't who the guy is. Hazza just told me that Zayn's having this massive crush on this guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. That could be you."

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