Andrew Shaw <3 (#65 of Chicago Blackhawks)

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I walked into my apartment, locked the door since I wouldn't be leaving for the rest of the night and turned on the television. The Blackhawks' game started in 30 minutes. I began to boil a pot of water to make macaroni and cheese and turned the heater on. I put my Shaw jersey on with some black boy-shorts.

I had to study for my finals, so unfortunately I couldn't go to the game tonight. My best friend just so happened to be Andrew Shaw, so he was a little disappointed that he couldn't go to the game, but he understood. He wanted me to do really well since this was my last semester at University.

I grabbed my phone while waiting for my macaroni and cheese to be done cooking and began texting Andrew, "Hey Shawzy, score a goal for me. Sorry I couldn't make if tonight."

He responded immediately, "I will babe (he always calls me babe). Study hard, text you after the game."

I grabbed a bowl of my macaroni and cheese, my textbooks and notebooks and headed into the living room to watch the game and eat.

After I finished eating, I grabbed my study materials, water and phone and headed into my room. I turned the television on in there and began watching the game in there. During the second period Shaw scored a goal, he cheered with his teammates, looked at the camera, pointed and winked. I giggled, grabbed my phone and texted him, "Thanks for my goal!!!"

I studied as I watched the rest of the game. The Blackhawks ended up winning 5-3 and everybody cheered. I even did a little dance. I knew Andrew would go out and celebrate, so I decided to just text him a simple congratulations with a smile and a heart.

I took off my jersey, hung it up and now was only in a tank top and boy-shorts. I adjusted my glasses and turned the television off, so i could study better.

*Shawzy POV*
It was 2am, I assumed Y/N was sleeping because she didn't text me back. Tazer dropped me off at her house, so I could check on her. I wanted to make sure she was okay, although all the boys teased me because I was in love with her, but was worried to ruin our friendship.

I unlocked the door with my key that Y/N left me, walked inside and locked the door. The lights were on in her room, which made me think she was awake. When I walked into the room, Y/N was sleeping - all of her books, notes and papers were scattered around her, while her glasses were still on.

I didn't want to mix up any of her papers, but I wanted her to be comfortable, so to the best of my ability I gathered all the materials without mixing them up and put them on her table. I then began to pull her glasses off, which startled her awake.

*Back to Y/N POV*
Someone was pulling my glasses off, which scared me. I pulled back and looked up,"Shawzy, what are you doing here?" I looked over at my clock, "It's 2 in the morning."

"I had to check on you," he replied.

"Are you drunk?" I asked him.

"Only a little."

I got out of bed, "Get changed. You have some clothes in the top drawer. Brush your teeth and I'll grab some water."

I grabbed some SmartWater from my fridge and went back into my room. Andrew was in my bed under the covers, watching Family Guy. He pulled back the covers, "Come on babe."

I jumped into bed, I mean we may be best friends, but we've had sex. We've seen each other naked and slept in the same bed, so this was really normal for us, I love him.

He put his arm around me, "Come snuggle. You know it's your favorite, especially when I'm only in my boxers.

He really knew how to make me blush, which made him laugh, but I snuggled closer none the less, "By the way, congrats on the win."

"Thanks, did you see the goal I scored for you?"

"Yes!!! Thanks so much," I smiled.

We laid down and his arm stayed around me the whole time. I turned around and his hand fell onto my hip and pulled me in closer, "Hey Y/N, I love you."

I turned around, "What'd you just say?"


"You just told me you loved me."

"Oh," Andrew said embarassed.

I pulled him in for a kiss, "I love you too."

He kissed me, "Woohoo, two wins in one night!!!!"

I laughed and every night ended just like that one.

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