Marián Hossa (#81 of Chicago Blackhawks)

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For hockeyobsessed70 because she's had feels for him since the Kings played them.

Being Marián Hossa's wife had a lot of ups and downs, mostly ups though.

I'm at the Hawks vs Canucks game wearing my Hossa jersey and really enjoying everything. 

It isn't one of those games where we are just killing the other team.  It's going back and forth and super exciting.

The Hawks win the face off and Marián throws his gloves down and gets in a fight with Prust.

"Come on babe," I yell.

The refs separate them and give Hossa a penalty, but not Prust.

"What the fuck ref!!!!!!!" I yell.

They give Marián the penalty because they say he initiated it, but when watching the replay it's obvious that Prust initiated the fight, "Ref open your fucking eyes!!!!!!"

The whole crowd is pissed and I see Marián is pissed too.  He throws his water in the penalty box and yells that he didn't initiate it.

I'm counting down the clock until my husband is out of the box, and it's almost time.

"3, 2, 1, he's out," I say and see that the puck slid in front of him during the Canucks line change. 

It's him and the goalie, he shoots and scores, "Wooooooooooooooo," I yell, jumping up and down.

He huddled with the boys and cheered, then skated by me and hit the glass and I hit it back.  We always did that after he scored a goal.

The Hawks won wit Marián scoring the game winning goal and I was so excited.

I waited for him outside of the locker room and he walked out with a bloody lip and in his suit, "Hey baby, you played great tonight."

"Thanks Kylie," he says kissing me.

"Let's go home so I can take care of that lip of yours," I say winking.

He smiles, "I love you."

"I love you too," we kiss again and head home.

That night we fell asleep in each other's arms watching Frozen.

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