Sidney Crosby <3 (#87 of Pittsburgh Penguins)

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A/N: Because I can't help it :) he's gorgeous!!! Most kissable lips in the league!!!

I'm on my way to Fleury's house for an end of summer barbecue.  The whole team is going to be there.  Every staff member was invited as well and that's why I get to go.  I work in the marketing department for the Penguins.  I help with interviews as well.

Over the years I've become friends with all the players, but I have a huge crush on the captain.  He seriously has the most kissable lips I've ever seen. 

One night I drank a bit too much with Fleury and his wife, Véronique, and decided to tell them that and now, the whole team knows except for Sidney and it's super embarrassing.  Every time I interview Sidney or am near him, whatever players near us will make kissy faces behind his back, so I can see and I'm grateful he's never seen them.

'Hmm...wonder if anyone else is here,' I think as I pay my taxi driver (since I'll be drinking).

I ring the doorbell and Véronique answers, "Y/N, you're the first to arrive."

"Oh well that means I can help you guys set up if you need it," I tell her.

"Everything's set up already, but it looks like you'll have company," she winks as Sidney walks up behind me.

"Hey girls," he says. We say hi and walk inside.

"We're the first ones," I whisper to Sidney.

"So we shouldn't drink all the booze," he replies and I laugh in response.

In the backyard, Fleury is grilling burgers. Sidney walks to say hi as Véronique brings me a cocktail and sits down.

"Where are the kids?"

"With a nanny. Don't change the subject you know what I want to talk about," she says.

"He's right over there, we aren't talking about it," I say as I take my first sip of my drink, "OMG what is this, like straight up tequila???"

Before she can answer practically the whole team and their significant others and everyone I work with walks in.

"What happened?"

"You're wife is trying to get me drunk," I reply.

"Only loosen you up," Fleury laughs as he walks away to greet everyone that just walked in.

I couldn't believe it. They were in cahoots. What was their plan, "They do it to you too?"

"Did who do what?" I ask.

"Flower handed me a drink that was pretty much pure tequila," Sidney says.

"Same here," I tell him as I finish my drink like a shot.

Sidney does the same and winks, "I can't have you show me up like that."

I laugh, "Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe," he smirks.

"Seems like we need to get some more drinks then," I wink.

"Be right back, then," he says taking my glass.

I sit on the outside lounge as Geno walks over and sits across from me, "You and Sid getting along? You two kiss yet?"

"Geno!!! He'll be back any second," I say with a slight red hue on my cheeks.

"Who will be back?" Sidney says sitting down next to me with two cups, "Y/N your cheeks are red."

I take the cup from him and look at Geno, but notice that he walked away, "Bottoms up Sidney," I say and pound my drink, which was a huge mistake because it was again straight tequila.

"Woah Y/N," he says and pounds his drink, "Let's get another drink inside."

"Okay," I say blushing as he takes my hand and pulls me inside.

"Let's see this looks like a good one," he says grabbing a bottle of red wine, "Grab two glasses Y/N."

I grab two wine glasses as Sidney opens the bottle of wine.

"Geno have you seen Sid and Y/N?" Flower asks.

"No," Geno answers.

Sidney fills both of our glasses almost completely full, "Let's go in the living room."

I simply nod and follow him completely ignoring the two looking for us.

Sidney sits down and pats the seat right next to him signaling for me to sit next to him.

I sit next to him and we drink our wine with light conversation.

I finish the last bit of my wine at the same time as Sidney and I'm definitely loosened up like Flower wanted. I get up to take our glasses into the kitchen when Sidney grabs my sleeve, "Where are you going babe?"

'Did he just call me babe?' I think blushing, "I'm going to put our glasses in the kitchen."

"I can do that," he says standing up and taking the glasses from me, "Be right back."

I nod and sit back on the couch, "Make sure you guys use protection," Flower teases as he walks into the living room.

I stick my tongue out at him as Sidney walks back into the room.

Sidney sits nice and close to me, which I have no complaints about, "Y/N you're really pretty."

"Sidney I think you're drunk," I say.

"Nope, you're just pretty," he says leaning in until his lips make full contact with mine.

I kiss back, and we kiss until we run out of breath, "Most kissable lips ever," I muttered.

"What?" Sidney says as I turn bright red.

Flower and Geno were standing right behind us cheering, "Finally," says Geno.

"Sidney, Y/N thinks you have the most kissable lips ever.  She tells us whenever she's drunk," Flower says.

"Is that so?" Sidney smirks at me.

I nod and am about to respond when Sidney kisses me again.

I continue to enjoy his lips when I become his girlfriend, then fiancé, and finally as his wife and he enjoys all the kisses I give him.

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