David Pastrnák (#88 of Boston Bruins)

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For DrivingMeKrejci Thanks for being so understanding for it taking me a while.

I walked out of the doctor's office and had a look of surprise on my face. The doctor congratulated me on my pregnancy.

David and I have only been married for about 3 months and we never even talked about having children. I really was ecstatic from the news, but I was hoping David would be just as excited.

*Skip to Arriving at Home*

I pulled into the driveway and noticed David was home.

I walked into our home and noticed that David was sitting on the couch watching tv, "Hey baby, I'm home."

"Hi babe," David said hugging me, then going back to the couch.

I walked into the kitchen and noticed the giant mess. I asked David to clean the dishes numerous times, but he still didn't do them. I got so mad but started crying instead, probably due to my pregnancy hormones.

I slid down to the floor as David walked into the kitchen, "What's wrong?"

I shook my head and he carried me to the couch.

"I asked you to do the dishes while I was gone and you still didn't do them," I said clearly upset and getting away from the couch.

"I was too tired from practice," he told me.

"That's always your excuse. I can't do everything all by myself. I need your help," I semi-yelled, but regretting it immediately.

"I know I'm sorry," he said staying calm like usual.

I went back to the couch, "No I'm sorry. I'm just emotional that's all. I know you get tired from practice, but I do need your help more especially now."

"What do you mean?" David asked.

"I'm pregnant," David looked stunned.

I was worried, "Say something please."

"I'm going to be a dad!!!!!" He yelled jumping up from the couch. I laughed as I watched him jumping up and down with glee, yelling about how he was going to be a dad.

He then picked me up and kissed me. He put me down and kissed my belly, "I can't wait to meet you little man."

"What makes you think it's a boy?" I asked him.

"Because that's what he'll be," he said as I laughed.

"I love you David," I said.

"And I love the both of you very much. I promise I'll help more too," he told me bringing me up to bed.

We couldn't be happier. David was right, too. We did have a boy and we named him Oliver James Pastrnák. David taught him hockey at a young age and we hoped the best for our son.

Our family was full of love and we couldn't have asked for anything else.

NHL One Shots :)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon