Matt Duchene (#9 of Colorado Avalanche)

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For MrsMattDuchene

Katy's POV
Matt and I have been dating for a few years now. The Colorado Avalanche were going to the Stanley Cup playoffs and I couldn't be more excited for them.

The team treated me like family and I loved them like family. I couldn't be in a better place in my life.

I was at home waiting for Matt's away game to start, while eating ice cream.

Matt's POV
I was in the locker room before the game started. I wanted to get the guys opinions on how to propose to Katy.

"Hey guys, I need some advice. I really want to propose to Katy," I told them.

Nathan turned to me, "You should take her to dinner and ask her, like hide the ring in her dessert."

"Yeah so she can choke on it," Gabriel said, "You should take her to a movie or a show and ask her."

"That's dumb," Ryan said, "Why not ask her at Christmas?"

"That's really far away," I said.

"Yeah," Nick said.

Erik chipped in, "You should ask her at our next home game during intermission."

Everybody nodded, "That's a great idea," I said. I couldn't wait to ask her.

Katy's POV A Few Days Later
Matt was coming home today and I was so excited.

I was sitting on the couch waiting for him when I heard the front door open and close. I jumped up and ran over to him, "Matt!!!!! I missed you so much."

"I missed you too baby," he said picking me up and carrying me to the bedroom.

We had some fun in there all night ;)

I woke up the next morning and Matt wasn't in bed. I put one of his shirts on and headed downstairs.

"Hey baby, I made you breakfast," Matt said.

"Awweee, you didn't have to do that sweetheart," I told him.

"I wanted to though," he said sitting down at the table with me, "So Gabriel's going to pick me up for the game tonight, is that okay?"

"Yes of course," I said finishing my food.

Matt the. Headed upstairs to take a shower while I did the dishes since I knew he had to leave soon.

As I finished the dishes, Matt headed downstairs in his suit with his hockey bag and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "I'll see you at the rink."

"Yeah have a great game baby. I love you," I told him.

"I love you too," he replied.

He headed out the door and I took a shower and got ready.

Matt's POV
I headed out the door and put my bag in Gabriel's car, "Thanks for the ride bro."

"No problem Matt," he replied, "So where's the ring?"

I pulled out the velvet box with the engagement ring inside and showed him the ring.

"Dude she's going to love it," he said.

"Thanks I really hope so," I said.

During the game I was super nervous, especially during second period. I saw her in the crowd and she looked beautiful.

I was the first off the ice when the buzzer for the end of 2nd rang and quickly changed into my suit.

Katy's POV
The buzzer rang that indicated second period was over and I was going to go get a drink, but was stopped by an ice girl.

She pulled me down the stairs and through the halls towards the rink. The carpet where the national anthem is sung was laid out on the ice and she told me to step out into it to get to center ice, which I did.

The lights dimmed and all of a sudden I could hear Matt's voice through the speakers. I turned around and there was Matt in his suit.

"Hey baby," he said.

"Hi," I nervously replied.

"So we've been going out for quite some time now and I love every second I spend with you. I love the way you get ready in the morning and how you wake me up with kisses. I love that when I come home after a trip, you're so excited to see me. I love that when we're together we can just stay home and watch movies or order take out. I love you so much. Will you marry me?" He asked me as he pulled out the ring, it was breathtaking.

I nodded my head with tears streaming down my face, "Yes, I'll marry you."

He slipped the ring on my finger, we kissed and the fans went wild.

After that we went into the locker room and were sprayed with champagne. Everyone congratulated us.

He finished the game and scored the game winning goal.

We went home that night and had some more adult fun in the bedroom.

We got married at a beautiful barn. The wedding was flawless. Our honeymoon was great. we lived happily ever after as Mr. and Mrs. Matt Duchene.

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