Corey Crawford <3 (#50 of Chicago Blackhawks)

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For anyone who loves goalies!!!!! :)

My name is Jenna, I'm 28 years old, work full time with the Chicago Blackhawks on the medical team and have a six year old son, James.

Now my son isn't mine by blood, but he's mine all the same. My best friend died and I decided to adopt him, so he wouldn't be put into the system. We love each other very much and he calls me mom, which makes me very happy.

I let him watch hockey every night with me and he really loved it and wanted to be just like Corey Crawford. It made me smile because he is my favorite player and I have the biggest crush on him.

I haven't been able to bring him to a game yet because of his school and his own hockey games and practices, but I would soon.

Today, James was being watched by one of my friends while I was at practice with the team.

I was watching the boys do drills when I felt my phone buzz. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw my friend texted me, 'Hey Jenna, I had a family emergency. I'm bringing James over to the rink should be there soon.'

After I read the text, I told Coach that I was going to meet James up front. He nodded and headed out front to meet him. All the players have met him, so I couldn't wait for him to see them practice.

After I picked him up from out front, told my friend I hope all goes well with her family; we headed back inside the rink after I grabbed his skates from my car.

When we got to the bench, he put his skates on and I let him go skate with the boys.

Coach laughed as he skated with the boys. He skated over by Corey and started talking to him.

James pointed at me and I blushed. Corey smiled. Corey and I were great friends, but since I had James we could never hang out, so we only saw each other at work.

I was staring off into space, so I didn't notice that James lost control while skating and slid into the goal post. As soon as I snapped out of it, I rushed onto the ice to make sure he was okay.

Again I wasn't paying attention and I slipped onto the ice myself. I fell on my butt and now James was the one rushing towards me, "Mom, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thanks sweetie," I said laughing, but my ankle didn't feel right.

I told James to go to the bench and take his skates off. I was still sitting on the ice.

"Jenna, are you okay?" Corey said skating next to me.

"My ankle hurts pretty bad," I told him as some other players skated over, "Tazer, will you and Kaner go show James around the locker room and stuff, I hurt my ankle."

They nodded their heads and Corey knelt down. He lifted my jeans up and looked at my ankle, since I didn't want to move it.

It definitely looked swollen, but I don't think I broke it, and that's exactly what Corey said.

He picked me up and brought me into the locker room. I blushed the whole way. James was in the locker room with the rest of the guys.

I had only sprained my ankle, but Corey said he wouldn't let me drive home, "I'll tell Tazer that I'm going to your house instead."

"Mom, is Corey coming home with us?" James asked me.

"Yeah, he's going to drive because I sprained my ankle," I told him.

"Yay, it'll be a big sleepover. I'm going to stay up all night to talk to him about hockey," he said.

"Okay buddy, but only if your mom says it's okay," Corey said.

"It's okay James, you can do that," he said as he grabbed my purse, "Come on, let's go then!!!"

Corey picked me up, I blushed, everyone made kissey noises because they knew I liked him and I swear Corey was blushing, "You know he's going to fall asleep around 8, right?"

"Yeah, I know but then his mom and I can have our own sleepover," he said making me go as red as a lobster.

When we got home, Corey put me on the couch and grabbed my ankle wrap and crutches. I wrapped my ankle up, while James was showing Corey around.

They came back into the living room, "Mom, can we have Mac n cheese for dinner?"

"Yeah I'll start it soon, why don't you two play NHL or watch tv or a movie," I suggested making my way into the kitchen on my crutches.

I started on the Mac n cheese and made strawberry banana smoothies.

Corey came into the kitchen, "Can I help with anything?"

"You can try the smoothie and let me know how it is," I said taking a drink myself.

He grabbed a glass, but didn't drink any of it. He was looking at me, "You have some smoothie on you." He leaned in and kissed my lips, "Delicious."

I didn't say anything and he grabbed James' glass and went back into the living room.

I couldn't believe he kissed me, I would jump for joy, but I couldn't because of my stupid ankle.

I finished the food and set the table, "Dinner's ready!!!"

They ran in and sat down, I guess they were hungry. Corey sat at the head of the table and James and I sat across from each other. We had a good dinner, put the dishes in the dish washer and went into the living room. I watched them play NHL for another 2 games, then we decided to watch a movie. James picked How to Train Your Dragon, so we watched that.

It was around 8:30 when James fell asleep. Corey picked him up and tucked him into the covers for me. I was on the couch with popcorn and wine when he came back down.

We decided to watch another movie. I chose Goon because I loved that one. I couldn't choose a girly one, I wouldn't make him sit through that.

During the movie, Corey put his arm around me and we cuddled. I think he was nervous to kiss me again, so I decided I'd make the moves.

I looked at him, pulled him closer and gave him s kiss on the lips. He responded by pulling me onto his lap without hurting my ankle.

We made out for a while, talked, finished the movie and I fell asleep in his arms. Every night after that one ended with me falling asleep in his arms. :)

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