Andrew Shaw <3 (#65 of Chicago Blackhawks)

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A/N: I'm super clumsy and just randomly thought about this.

"When will you be home babe?" I ask Andrew on the phone.

"I should be back in a few days, if the weather doesn't get any worse," he replies. There was a snowstorm in New York and the Blackhawks were stuck in the airport.

"Be safe, I can't wait until you get home," I say.

"I will be, I love you and miss you. Good luck with your presentation, I know you'll do great Y/N," he says.

"Thanks Andrew. I love and miss you too," I say and we hang up the phone.

Unfortunately I couldn't go with Andrew on his road trip this time because I had a big presentation at work tomorrow.

As I'm getting ready the morning of my presentation, I burn my hand while curling my hair. Thankfully it's not too bad but I put some Neosporin on it with a bandage.

I also hit my head getting into my car.  I'm a very clumsy person, which Andrew enjoys pointing out daily.  I have big boobs and this stupid wall unit in our living room tends to get in my way and I hit my boob on it while walking by it at least 3 times a week.

Thankfully I gave a great presentation according to my boss, which I texted to Andrew to let him know.  He had texted me earlier saying he'd be home later today because they were cleared to fly.

When I got home I decided to change and clean the house up.  I change into my Shaw shirt (well I stole Andrew's but he didn't mind), my black yoga shorts and green fuzzy socks.  I turned on my 80s rock station on Pandora.

I clean the kitchen, bathrooms, living room and put new sheets on our bed.  I'm vacuuming the hardwood floor when I hear voices. 

"Babe I'm home.  Jonathan, Patrick and Corey are here too," he yells from the front door.

I turn the vacuum off and run to the front door.  Well actually I tried to run to the front door but of course as soon as I see them, my feet slip from under me and I fall on my face.

The boys rush over, "Baby are you okay?"

I look up smiling, "I'm just so happy you're home."

Andrew laughs, "You're so clumsy."

"That was quite a fall," Jonathan says.

Andrew helps me up, "I blame the socks," Corey says.  Patrick laughs.

"I happen to love these socks.  They just tend to be slippery," I tell them.

The boys look at me and laugh when they see I'm okay.

I laugh along with them, "You boys all staying for dinner?"

"Depends on what we're having," Patrick says.

"Andrew gets to pick, I miss him the most," I say.

" about you make veggie lasagna?" Andrew asks.

"Sounds perfect," I say giving him a kiss.

"Ew get a room," Jonathan says.

"We'd have the whole house if you boys weren't here," I say walking into the kitchen to start dinner.

I hear the tv turn on and assume they're going to watch a movie or play a game.

"So do you need any help?" Andrew says hugging me from behind as I wash the vegetables."

"Hmm...I don't think so but I could use another kiss," I say as he turns me around and kisses me.

He pulls back, "What'd you do to your hand?"

"I burned it a little on my curling iron then I hit my head in my car," I say.

"You really are clumsy," he says.

"But you love me," I say.

"Yes and you love me," he says and I nod.

I then push him out of the kitchen after he grabs a few beers for the boys.

I grab myself a glass of red wine.

I put the lasagna and garlic bread into the oven and grab plates and silverware to set the table.

Then I grab some glasses for drinks.  As I grab the glasses, one of them drops.

Andrew's POV
The boys and I are watching Poltergeist when I hear a crash in the kitchen.

We look at each other, "Babe are you okay?"

"Um yeah no big deal just dropped a glass," Y/N says.

"I'm going to help clean up," I tell the boys.

I walk into the kitchen and there Y/N is on her knees cleaning the glass up, "Babe let me do that."

I walk over to her and she has tears in her eyes, "What's wrong, did you cut yourself?"

She looks up and shows me her hand, a few pieces of glass are in her palm. We go to the bathroom and ask Corey to pick the glass up but to be careful, so I can take the glass out of her hand which doesn't take long.

"I'm sorry I'm so clumsy Andrew," she tells me.

"It's no big deal sweetheart.  I love you even more for it," that makes her smile and she kisses me.

*Time skip to after dinner and your POV**
The boys thank us for dinner and go home.

Andrew and I decided to head to bed early.  Of course we didn't go to bed right away.

We sleep in together and of course I started the day by running into the stupid living room unit.

Andrew and I laughed and lived happily ever after.

A/N: Ending was rushed, sorry about that.  Have a great day everyone and happy hockey season!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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