David Krejčí (#46 of Boston Bruins)

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For BostonBruinsBabe Thank you for understanding why it took me so long to get this up. I really appreciate the support.

I was sitting on the couch trying to study for finals, but it was hard because I just finished watching David's last game of the season. They were out of the playoffs and wouldn't be taking the cup this year.

I knew that David would be mad when he got home and I was hoping that he'd be okay.

I decided that I'd hold off from studying and surprise him by making pasta. I boiled water and started the oven.

I heard the front door open and slam, 'Damn, he's home early,' I thought fumbling around in the kitchen.

David walked into the kitchen and went straight for the Jack Daniels bottle I left on the counter for him, "Thanks Jillian."

"No problem," I turned smiling, "Food's almost ready, about five more minutes."

He nodded and walked into the living room turning on the TV.

I put the pasta in two bowls and grabbed two slices of garlic toast.

I went into the living room and gave David his food.

We ate in silence, as we watched TV. When we finished our food I grabbed our bowls and went back into the kitchen to clean them. I heard the TV change channels and now David was watching the hockey highlights.

I finished cleaning and sat on the couch next to him, "Why are you watching this? It's just going to upset."

He mumbled something.

"Sorry I didn't catch that," I replied.

"I said, 'What's it matter to you?!'" He rose his voice to me.

I tried not to let it get to me, "I just want to make sure you're okay because I love you."

"Yeah well I don't care. I fucked up and you aren't helping so just leave! You don't love me, you love my money!!!!" He yelled.

It was getting to me, "I watched the game instead of studying because I was hoping you guys would make it. It was a team loss, you are not solely responsible for losing the game. After you guys lost, I could've gone back to studying but instead I decided to make you dinner because I thought you'd be hungry. Sorry for trying to do something nice. And you know I love you, how could you even say that I didn't. We've been friends for years and now we live together so I'm definitely not leaving. Sometimes you can be such an ass."

With that I went upstairs, slammed the door, showered, put on shorts and a tank top and got into bed. I wasn't even tired, I was just mad.

I guess I fell asleep because I woke up to someone getting into bed.

"Jillian I'm sorry for being an ass," David said trying to turn me around so he could see my face, I complied, "I'm just upset about losing."

"I know you're upset David, but you can't take it out on me. I didn't do anything wrong," I told him, noticing his cheeks were a bit red like he had been crying, "I'm really sorry you guys didn't win."

"There's always next year, but I want to make sure we're okay because I know you love me and I'm sorry for saying that you didn't. I love you too and I really hope you can forgive me," he said.

"Of course I forgive you. I love you," I told him giving him a little kiss on the cheek.

"Good," he said, "I love you too."

We fell asleep in each other's arms and I woke up to roses galore leading me into the kitchen with David sitting on the couch with breakfast all ready for us. We loved each other and couldn't be happier.

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