Taylor Hall (#4 of Edmonton Oilers)

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For 5sosbaeforever11

It's St. Patrick's Day and I'm waiting for my girlfriends to come over so we can get ready to go out to the bar together.

I hear a knock at the door, "It's open!!!"

My girlfriends, Amy, Sarah, and Brooke walk in.  They are decked out in green and I'm still in my pajamas because I couldn't figure out what to wear. 

After about half an hour we finally agreed on what I should wear.  I'm wearing a jelly green tank top with jeans and black vans.

We all do our makeup hints of green in our eye shadow and green strands in our hair.

"Kathleen you ready to go?" Brooke asks me.

"Yes but first let's take a shot," I reply.

We take a shot of Jameson and leave my apartment, thankfully I live within walking distance of the bar we're going to in downtown Edmonton.

When we get to the bar, there's a bouncer outside, he lets us in without a problem, one of the many perks of being a woman.

When we walk inside, there's flashes of green everywhere.

Sarah gets us a table and Brooke and I head to the bartender to order drinks.

"What'll it be ladies?" We hear after waiting like 10 minutes. I look up to see the bartender still no one near us but Taylor Hall, my favorite hockey player and all time major crush.

"You're Taylor Hall?" I blurt out, then blush when I realize how loud I said that.

He smiles, which makes me melt, "Yes I am. Sorry our whole team is here, so the bartender keeps ignoring everyone else."

Unknown to me Brooke actually left me there with Taylor and went back to the table since she knows about the huge crush I have on him.

"Oh it's fine we got here like 15 minutes ago," pointing to myself and where I thought Brooke was but when I look I realize she's back at the table, "so we as in myself and those three other girls at that table over there, who enjoy embarrassing me."

"I think it's cute, your blush I mean and you of course," he says.

I blush even more, "Thanks you're pretty gorgeous yourself."

"So I'll get your drinks. Why don't you guys go join our team over there?"

"Thank you, Irish trash cans please," I tell him and walk over to the table.

I walk back to our table and tell the girls what just happened.

*Time Skip brought to you by lots of alcohol on this magical day*

We had some drinks and we're having lots of fun with the players.  I was sitting next to Taylor the whole time.

He and I kept flirting back and forth and he decided to pull me to the next booth over, "Sorry they were being too loud and I wanted to talk."

"Yeah no problem," I say.

We end up talking all night and holding hands.  We also exchange phone numbers. 

My girlfriends ended up going back to my place and when the night ends, Taylor walks me back home.

When we get up to my apartment he gives me a kiss goodnight and it was super magical.

We go on dates and become boyfriend and girlfriend.  We have so much fun together.

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