Anze Kopitar <3 (#11 of LA Kings)

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For hockeyobsessed70 because she's my fellow Kings lover!!! #Soulmates

Anze and I have been married for a few years.  Here I am sitting behind the glass watching the Kings play the Ducks.  

Kyle was skating down the ice trying to get the puck when he was checked into the boards.  It was a clean check, so no one did anything about it.  I knew that Kyle would check back at any minute.

Anze was now on the ice with Kyle and they were skating towards the puck.  Kyle checked Fowler cleanly and the crowd went wild.

An all out brawl on the ice ensued.  Anze was trying to pull players off of Kyle, since they were ganging up on him.  

Then Stoner turned around and started fighting Anze.

"Stoner, get the fuck off my husband or so help me I'll kick your ass," I say standing up and pounding on the glass.

Stoner was sent to the locker rooms and so was Anze.  They wouldn't be playing the rest of the game.

I stood up and headed to the Kings locker room, "Hey Max.  I want to see my husband," I say to Max, the security guard.

He lets me in and I see Anze getting assessed by the medical staff.  His face is bloody and my eyes immediately water.

I head out of the Kings locker room and make my way to the opposing teams locker room.  I push past the other security guard, "What the fuck was that all about Stoner?!"

"Who are you?" he asks me.

"I'm Kylie, Anze's wife and you just fucking beat the shit out of him for no reason at all," I said getting really mad.

"Woah calm down.  He was asking for it," he replies.

"He was trying to pull you off of Kyle nothing more," I yell at him as he becomes speechless.  He looks dumbfounded, so I step up and punch him in the face as hard as I could and walk out of the locker room.

I make my way back to the Kings locker room, passing players, 'The game must be over,' I think, 'Wonder who won?'

I head into the locker room and make my way towards my husband, "Hey baby how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay.  I'll heal," he says kissing my cheek.

I smile, "Good, anything broken?"

"No baby," he says holding my hand, "What did you do?"

"Oh I punched Stoner in the face after having a few choice words for him," I say smiling.

"What?  Why'd you do that Kylie?  Let's have the medical staff take a look at your hand," he says.

The medical staff looks at my hand, and they bandage my knuckles, "See nothing's broken.  I'll heal."

"Babe please don't get into any fights.  That's my job," he says smiling.

I laugh, "I don't want you getting into any fights either."

Anze kisses me, "Let's go home."

"Okay," I say. 

When we get home we cuddle up on the couch and watch Goon, I guess we were in a fighting mood today.

"I love you baby and I'm glad you're okay," I tell him.

"I love you too," he says kissing me on the lips, which turns into a careful make out session, since I didn't want to hurt him.

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