Patrick Kane (#88 of Chicago Blackhawks)

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For my girl @MrsPatrickKane88, hope you like it :)

It was the off season for hockey, so I was training with some of my buddies; Jonathan Toews, Corey Crawford, Patrick Sharp, Brent Seabrook, Andrew Shaw, and Patrick Kane. I played for the Chicago Blackhawks, and have some true fans, but it took most people to get used to the idea of a woman playing in the NHL. After they saw me playing, they realized how good of player I was. I'd check people, took the checks given to me, won almost every face off I was up against. The boys took a liking to me quickly and I took one to them. Some of them treated me like a sister, some of them hit on me so hard I was scared their balls would fall off from being blue all the time. The boys I was with now were all the ones I trusted the most on the team and they were super protective of me.

"Only one more week until the season, aren't you guys excited?" I asked them all packing up all of our equipment.

"Super stoked," Sharp said.

"Can't wait," Corey said.

Everyone else just nodded and said yeah. Kane and Toews were over on the side talking and I was chatting with Sharp, "Robyn, you're getting a lot better with your slap shot."

"Thanks Sharpie," I told him giving him a hug.

Kane walked over to me, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah let's get out of here," I told him. We walked over to the car and headed home. We lived together because it was easier on me financially and we got along the most out of everyone. Even after having drunken sex filled nights, we had no awkward moments together, we were practically a couple, which is what I'd always hoped would happen since I really liked him. The media always said we were a couple, and we never took the time to correct them.

"So Robyn, can I ask you something?" he said before getting out of the car.

"Yeah shoot," I told him.

"Can we go on a date tonight? Like a real date?" He asked me.

"Of course, I thought you'd never ask," I smiled. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran into the house so I could take a shower and get ready for our date.

He laughed coming into the house and yelled, "You're such a girl sometimes!"

"Well that's good because I am a girl," I yelled back.

After showering I put on a robe because I didn't know where we were going or what to wear. Patrick walked into the room, "We're going for Italian so dress nice but not like 5 star nice. It's kind of chilly though, so be prepared for that,"

Then he went into the shower. We had a nice house together but this was the nicer shower and he insisted I take the master bedroom with the master bathroom because he wanted me to be comfortable, I protested at first but then caved when I saw the big bathtub and the giant walk in closet. I loved clothes and shoes. I also had a small shopping problem, but I fit in perfectly with the guys because I knew everything about sports and I was a great cook. The boys came over after games where we had a break in the schedule and I'd cook for them.

I put makeup on while Patrick was in the shower and dried my hair and put loose curls in it. I walked into my closet and chose some skinny dark wash jeans and a green blouse, "Robyn I need to get into the closet."

"Come in then," I said grabbing my clothes and some Uggs and then went to change into the bathroom. Patrick was wearing his towel around his waist, and seeing him shirtless made me face go red.

"Like what you see," he said.

"Maybe," I said walking into the bathroom. When I was ready I walked downstairs and Patrick was waiting on the couch, "Sorry to keep you waiting."

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