Kyle Clifford <3 (#13 of LA Kings)

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A/N: Look how cute his baby is!!!!! OMG adorable!!!

Warning: Mentions of rape, abuse and there's some cussing.

Kyle is known for his fighting on the ice. He can be very brutal. He comes home with blood on him after most games. Off the ice, Kyle is like a giant teddy bear. He loves to cuddle. He takes care of me when I'm sick, too.

Kyle and I have been dating about two years now. I moved in about a year ago after we both confessed our love to one another.

We are madly in love and we trust each other completely and that's saying a lot since my ex-boyfriend was very abusive towards me.

He would always hit me when he would drink, or treat me like dirt around his friends. It was like I didn't matter. After I broke up with him, he stalked me for a while, but that ended when Kyle and I began dating.

Since I've been dating Kyle for a while, I'm very close with all the Kings' players. I'm probably closest to Drew Doughty and Trevor Lewis though since they live really close to us.

Today, Kyle was at Staples Center for a charity event with Martin Jones and Justin Williams, while I stayed home to clean the house. I was in the kitchen washing the dishes when I heard the front door open and close.

I didn't have my watch on, so I didn't know what time it was, but I assumed that Kyle was home, "Hey baby. I'm in the kitchen."

Arms wrapped around me, "Now this is where I like seeing you." It wasn't Kyle, I pulled away and saw my ex-boyfriend standing in my kitchen, "Hey Y/N. It's been a while."

"What are you doing here?" I said.

"Dropped by to say hello and show you how much I've missed you," he said grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him.

When I pulled away this time, he decided to show me how much he didn't like that and hit me in the face. He hit me so hard that I fell on the ground. Now he was on top of me kissing me and hitting me again and again, "See what you make me do. Why can't you just be a good girl and listen to me?"

I was really scared and thought he was going to kill me. I could smell the beer and whiskey on his breathe and it sickened me how close he was and how he kissed me where Kyle kisses me. He was trying to take off my clothes. He was pulling at my shirt and undoing my jeans, "Can we go somewhere a little more comfortable?" I asked scared out of my wits and just hopping he'd let me stand up.

"Okay," he said.

He got off me and as I stood I faced the sink, grabbed the frying pan I was cleaning and hit him over the head with it really hard. He fell over and I ran out of my house as fast as I could.

I didn't look back so I had no idea if he was following me or not, but I knew where to go. I ran to Doughty's and Lewis's house.

When I got to their house, I banged on the door as I yelled, "Drew, Trevor let me in please!!!"

Drew opened the door and I ran inside, closed the door and locked it.

Trevor and Drew saw my state. I looked down and saw my shirt was torn, my pants were undone and there was blood on my clothes, "What the hell happened?!?!" They both yelled.

I told them everything that happened. They looked pissed, but they stayed with me and comforted me since I was crying.

"We have to call Kyle," Trevor said.

Drew nodded his head.

"He's going to kill him," I said worried that Kyle would get in trouble.

Drew put his arm around me, "I'll call him and tell him to come here. Trevor can get you some clothes to change into."

I went with Trevor. He grabbed me sweats and a Kings' shirt that said 'Lewis 22' on the back.

He let me change in the bathroom, and then came in when I was finished getting changed. He had a washcloth and helped clean the blood off my face.

While we were upstairs, we heard yelling outside and banging on the door. I rushed downstairs with Trevor and could tell my ex-boyfriend was now here.

"Kyle's on his way. I'm calling the police," Drew said.

I knew it would take Kyle at least 30 minutes to get here. I was freaking out since my ex was yelling at me from outside. Trevor was holding me, while Drew was by the door with a baseball bat in case he somehow got inside.

We heard sirens, there was yelling and then it all stopped. There was a knock at the door, Drew put the bat down, but looked out the peep hole, "It's okay, it's an officer."

Drew opened the door, the officer told us to come outside, and asked us lots of questions, which I answered to the best of my ability in my state of mind. he told me the Paramedics wanted to take a look at me, I agreed only if the boys could stay with me.

As I was getting my final stitches, I saw Kyle pull up in his car. He was trying to get passed the police, but they wouldn't let him. As soon as the paramedic was done, I rushed into Kyle's arms. The police asked Drew and Trevor some more questions and left.

We all headed inside and told Kyle everything that happened. He was furious, more with himself since he wasn't there to protect me.

He drove us home and kissed all my pain away. He cuddled with me all night and stayed with me the next whole day, skipping his mandatory practice.

All we did was stay in, cuddle and watch movies together.

We ended up moving out of that house and into one closer to Doughty's and Lewis's house.

We loved our new home and we ended up buying a German Shepard puppy. We wanted a dog for protection, but we couldn't pass up on the adorable puppy.

1 and a Half Years Later
We got married and it was a beautiful ceremony.  The whole team was there and Kyle looked very handsome.

"Woohoo!!! Go Kings Go!!!!!!!" I was sitting in the behind the Kings bench with Jaclyn and Madison Quick. 

Normally I would be jumping up and down, but I'm eight and half months pregnant.  I cheered one more time, then I felt a sharp pain.

I clutched my stomach, "Y/N, are you okay?" Jaclyn said.

"I think it's time," I told her.  We waved the security guard over, and he banged on the glass behind Clifford.  The security guard turned around and pointed at me, Kyle nodded and rushed into the locker room. 

We made it to the car where Kyle met us and drove to the hospital.

"Ahhh...oh my god," I yelled during labor.

"You're doing great Mrs. Clifford," the doctor said.

"Yeah baby, just keep pushing," Kyle said holding my hand.

I was squeezing it really hard and part of me felt bad, but the other part of me was trying to focus on getting this baby out of me.

"You're almost there," one of the nurses said.

Then, I heard the baby crying and I was so happy. 

The doctor gave Kyle the baby, he came over and showed me our baby, "Y/N, you did a great job.  Look at our beautiful baby boy."

"What are you going to name the little guy?" The nurse asked.

We looked at each other, "Dean."

I held Dean in my arms, Kyle kissed us both and the three of us lived happily ever after.

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