💮 Chapter 2💮: Every girl wants to be loved.

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"Princess, your friend Tina wants to see you. Should I let her in?" Mary asked me. I dropped my paintbrush calmly and looked at the clock which was hanging on the wall right over my bed. It was 11:33pm.

  "I don't want to see anyone. Tell her to leave". I instructed.

  "Yes, Princess". She said and left, shutting the door carefully behind her.

"Mary?" I called her again.

"Yes princess" she answered and walked back in.

  "Prepare a room for her to stay or ask Mark to take her home. It's dangerous for a girl to be roaming around in the midnight". I instructed.

"Yes princess". She replied and walked out calmly.

  I knew Tina was worried about me and I knew that I shouldn't have turned down her request to see me but I wasn't ready to say anything. I left the ball without informing her although I asked Mark to turn back and go pick her up after he had dropped me home. 

Probably, I'll be able to explain myself tomorrow.

  I stood up and picked up the Handkerchief on the table. I brought it to my nose and perceived it, it smelt just like him. I walked to the veranda in my nightware, and sat on the swing. I raised the Handkerchief up and looked at it thoroughly under the bright moonlight, it said D.H.

   Although I didn't know what that meant, I know that they were the intials of the guy's name. I couldn't forget his face. Anytime I closed my eyes in a blink, I would see him. Smiling at me and cleaning my tears.

  There were so many questions on my heart and on my mind that needed immediate answers. Questions like...

  Who was that guy?... Since when did Ezra and that bitch come together?... Could Ezra have been drunk or manipulated, because he knew very well how high my status is and he wouldn't have done that in front of the paparazzi in his right state of mind?... How did that guy know where I was?... Where exactly is my father when I need him?

I stood up and folded the Handkerchief. I knew that I needed to rest. Someday, the answers will come on their own. I just hope that that someday isn't so far away.


"Nora, it's time for school". I heard Nanny say as she opened up the curtains.

I grumbled and burrowed deeper into my pillow. Suddenly, the Duvet left my body.

  "Nanny!" I grumbled more.

"Stand up, Princess. You don't want to be late for school, do you?" She said as I felt her sit beside me.

  I sat up on the bed and looked at her.

"Breakfast is ready. Take your bath, dress up, come down and eat breakfast so that Mark will drive you to school". She said and stood up.

  "Mary, go get me my breakfast" I ordered Mary.

  "No way. Mary is coming with me. And as for you, young lady, you have to learn how to get things done on your own. Mary won't be with you forever". Nanny said and walked out of the room with Mary following her.

   I grumpily got out of bed. Dragged my feet to the bathroom, took my bath, wore my high school uniform and wore my hair into a ponytail. I sprayed one of the perfumes I got from Dubai and walked downstairs to eat my breakfast. If I was late, Nanny might refuse me breakfast and force me to go to school with empty stomach.

  On getting to the dinning hall, Nanny was already waiting for me. I sat down and almost started digging in.

  "Your prayers, young lady". Nanny reminded.

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