💮 Chapter 24💮: It was all for ruin

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 "Finally, we did it". Tashie said as she got down from the ladder.

  "Yeah. It's so beautiful. I never knew Dandelions can be so beautiful and make this place look so heavenly". Said Tina in agreement to what Tashie said.

  Phillips got down from the balcony. The neon lights and the sea view were a perfect match. With Dandelions that has been sprinkled with Golden glitter blowing everywhere. 
   The chairs were already arranged, like a beauty peagent. The table for desserts were already set.

"Tashie, I know this is beautiful but doesn't it look to simple for the Queen to have". I asked.

  Grandmother loved being extravagant. She always wanted her things to be the best of the best. Now that we made her banquet look so natural, I do hope she likes it.

"Your highness, all invitations have been sent out". Said Mary. I nodded in response.

  "Your highness, everywhere is being guarded by guards". Kalia said. I also nodded in response.

  Tomorrow was the big day of the empress. She was still in Hawaii and even ordered her daughter, which was Aunt Black to come over to Hawaii and spend time with her. She also summoned Me and my elder brother, Green. But I refused honourably, telling her I had a big project in my hands.

   We all walked to the seashore which was actually a little bit far from the eastern palace.  I was really tired from all the work. Everyone was.

  We all sat at the seashore, looking at the tides. It was a beautiful peaceful evening. The sun was going down and the wind was getting stronger.
  Tashie, Tina and I were the only ones here.

"Being a royal is so stressful". Tina whined.

"What did you think before?... You think we had the easiest lives?" I asked her.

"Of course, that's what everyone thinks". Tashie replied and I bursted out laughing. I gave a very tired laugh.

"Not everything that glitters is gold my dear. There's so much in this Royal family that would make you wish you'd never be born here if I tell you a quarter of what it was". I told her honestly.

  "Who cares for the hardship?... As far as there are hot guys everyday to attend to me. What else do I want?" Tashie said and I couldn't help but laugh.

  "You're so obsessed". Tina joked and we all laughed together.

"What are you guys saying?... Mind if I join?" We heard someone say from behind us. Our heads moved simultaneously to the right to see who was talking.

  "Lilou, how are you?... Come on, join us". Tina said, as she invited her over. 

"She was talking about hot guys surrounding her each day of her life". Tina explained to Lilou.

"Oh my goodness, I have someone who also thinks the same way I do" Lilou said, which made Tashie happy.

  "Oh No. One Tashie is enough already. I don't need another Tashie". I told her honestly and they all laughed.

  "Is this an only girls meeting or guys are also welcomed?" We heard a masculine voice say. I knew already who it was.

  "Phillips. Come sit down". Tina said. Inviting him over.

  Then Olive appeared with a tray that had six cups of juice. He served us all himself. 

"Thank you so much". I responded as I took my cup from his hand. It was a little cold but it was okay.

"Perfect future husband" Tashie whispered in my ear and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

  Honestly, One Tashie was enough. Two will just ruin my life.

  "I have something to tell you guys". I said to them, standing up from where I was.

"Why did you stand up like that?... You scared the shit out of me". Lilou complained.

  "I'm so sorry about that". I apologized.

"So what's the speech all about?" Phillips asked.

I discovered that it wouldn't be good to enjoy the sea breeze together without the rest of the workers too, so I stood up and walked up to Mary who was behind me to gather them together.

"Hold on, I want everyone to be here. Mary?" I said and called her. She was staying to far from me.

"Yes, your highness". Mary answered as she ran over to my side.

  "Go and call everyone in the palace to come over here. I have something to say to them all. And on your way bring five bottles of wine. Okay?" I ordered her. She nodded in response and soon left.

  "Let's create a bon fire". I told them and they all looked happy. Tashie, Tina, Lilou, Olive and Phillips scattered to go get any dry wood they saw.


After a while, the bonfire was created and the maids, the guards that all helped in decorating gathered. I asked them to seat round the fire.

  "Okay, here's what I want to say... I know that I can be overbearing sometimes and willful. I can be really arrogant and really rude. But you don't know how grateful I am that I'm surrounded by you guys. You mean the world to me. I mean, you overlooked my bad habits and still helped me out in such situations. We hardly had any sleep during the past three days. I wonder what I could have done without you guys. Thanks once again". I spoke out and they all clapped for me with their hands.

"You're welcome, your highness. You're the best". Said one of the maids.

  "Come on, let's drink wine to celebrate this wonderful evening". I said, as Mary and one other kitchen maid poured wine for the rest.

  "You're so humble, Nora. Such a humble child". One of the oldest maids said.

  Suddenly, someone ran up to us where we were having our little bonfire party. "YOUR HIGHNESS... THE VENUE OF THE BANQUET, IS ON FIRE". He announced.

  "What?... Wait, WHAT?!!!"

I turned around and saw the massive fire that lighted up the moonless night.

I ran there with all my might, strength and power. As fast as I could, I ran there.

  On getting there, everything was too late. The guards that were on duty were already dead and everything was burnt to the ground. The cushion chairs, the couch, the dandelions, the cloths. Everything.

  The foods were scattered on the floor and everything was a massive mess.

  I started coughing from the heavy smoke that erupted from the fire. But the more I coughed, the more pained I was.

  "Let's go, Nora. Let's go". I heard Olive say as he tried to pull me away from the raging fire.

  I watched in pain, as all our efforts burnt away.

  Then in the middle of the fire, I saw clearly, Annabelle, in a red gown and a black cape, holding a fire torch and a jerry can in the other hand.

  She smirked at me as she turned to leave. My blood rose with rage and I flew into the fire to get the bitch.




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