💮 Chapter 15💮: My first awkward conversation with Dure.

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"You know her, brother?" Phillips asked which brought me back from my world of imagining my future with him.

  I looked around and saw how everyone had their eyes on us. Tashie and Tina looked like they had just seen a ghost.

  We separated from each other and I coughed so that the awkwardness would be less felt.

  "Of course, I do. Who in his right senses wouldn't know the only daughter of Prince Andrew's?... Besides We've met before". He said as he clicked his glass with mine.

  Everywhere was so hot but I tried to endure it, since the paparazzi were looking.

  "Dure, Phillips, do come over here". We heard an elderly person say.

"Father's calling. I'm sorry ladies, I have to go. Do have a nice time".  Dure said with his deep voice and walked away.

  I felt like I was having a car race in my belly. I coughed and pretended that his touch earlier didn't move me even though I could still feel his touch around my waist.

   As my eyes moved round the room, I saw the paparazzi taking pictures. I was quite sure they had taken pictures of both of us.

Just then , I felt a nudge. I looked to my side and saw Tashie and Tina beside me. "You. Have. A. Lot. Of. Explaining. To. Do!"  Tashie told me slowly but firmly.

  Then we heard the spoon hitting the glass. We all looked at where the sound was coming from. There, Phillips and Dure stood on either side of an old man. Although, not too old but his hair was already grey even though he looked smart in the tuxedo he was wearing.

"I think Phillip's father wants to make a speech". Tina whispered.

  "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It's a pleasure to have you all attend this impromptu party of ours. As you all know, it hasn't been easy taking care of all those factories, assets and companies alone. So I had my sons come back from the USA to come help me out.

  Unfortunately, one isn't done with school yet. But my eldest son here will be taking over everything for the mean time till his brother graduates high school and come help him out with some of them.

Please, ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome my sons back home. Dure and Phillips Henia" The old man said and there was a round of applause from everyone in the hall.

"Thank you all. Thank you all. It's an honour to stand before you all. Dignified and prestigious. I do hope that you all show me the way and lend a helping hand to me when needed". Said Dure  and everyone clapped again.

"Even his voice is sexy". Tina whispered and I rolled my eyes at her.

  Just then one of the journalists raised his hand. "Yes?"  Said Mr Henia, their father.

  "We all saw how you hugged Princess Eleanora. We're just curious to know, is there anything going on between you two?... Even though you look like a perfect couple".  Asked the journalists and I spat back the wine into the glass.

   The whole hall turned to look at me.

"First of all, I must thank her highness for honoring us with her presence" he started as he looked at me. Then he continued...

  "You know that feeling of meeting someone for the first time but still feeling so familiar?... That's how I felt when I saw the beautiful princess. I've been hearing a lot about her but now I see that not all the rumors are true. She's indeed an epitome of beauty and I do wish we could become good friends... Or don't you think so, Princess?" Asked Dure, raising his wine glass at me.

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