💮Chapter 28💮: Night walk.

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  "I didn't do it on purpose. The soot slipped out of my hand and her mouth was opened at that moment, so it poured into her mouth. It's not like I tried to kill her on purpose". I tried explaining to her for the hundredth time today but she still doesn't look like she was convinced.

  "I saw you, Eleanora. I saw the look on your face. You were so happy seeing your cousin choke... I want to believe it was by accident but how do you explain that facial expression?!!!" She asked me.

  This is one of the times I wished I could reverse time and go back in time.

    While I was having the satisfaction of seeing Annabelle choke on the soot which I took from the remains of the banquet she set on fire, I forgot to close the door and Nanny saw everything and now she wouldn't let me off the hook.

  Grandpa had once giving her a royal decree to handle me like she would handle her child and whatever she wanted to do to me, she was free to do it. She wasn't obliged to report to anybody when disciplining me.

  Now that is what I'm worried about. The fact that Nanny is angry with me and there's no body I can run to, to save me. She is here alone with me with the room locked up.

  All I can pray is that I get out of this alive!

    "Don't you understand?... I'm trying my very best to make sure you don't end up like your relatives who take pleasure in revenge". She told me as she moved closer to hold my face but I snubbed it.

  "I said it was an accident. And what do you mean by that statement you just made, Nanny?... I don't understand" I asked her, not liking her last statement one bit.

  "You were entrusted into my hands to raise you like the PRINCESS YOU SHOULD BE. A princess must always be elegant and poise. A princess carries herself with Grace and dignity and definitely doesn't go around looking for trouble".

  "I'm looking for trouble?... Nanny, I worked so hard. Three days and three nights just so I can make Granny's day. I worked relentlessly. But in the twinkling of an eye, she burnt it all! She burnt it all, Nanny. Now you tell me, who's the one looking for trouble?... I was even being merciful to her that I allowed her to choke. Next time I'll just ask granny to help me to terminate them once and for all!" I replied her angrily. I was panting and my anger was rising.

Nanny's anger wasn't looking any better too. The next thing that happened, happened too fast before I could even react. Her hand stroke my face. Hard.

  "I watched your mother destroy herself with her own hands. I would not let you make the same mistake!". She said angrily.

  My palm rested on the spot Nanny had just hit.

  "Did you just hit me?" I really wanted to believe otherwise. She also looked surprised. Her hands were trembling and she looked like she was lost for words.

   I rose my hand to strike her back, she saw my hand and trembled more, squatting and using her arms to cover her head but I stopped Midway.

  No matter how arrogant, rude and annoying I could be, I would never bite the hand that fed me. Nanny was like a mother to me. She's been there for me ever since I could remember. That's why it actually hurts more now.

  "Do you know how hurt I am?... To see you side with Annabelle?... She has her parents to stand by her, Nanny, But you are like the only one I have. You've never for once supported anything I do. Don't do this and don't do that. Can't you just understand that underneath the royal cover is a girl that just wants to be loved?!!!... Annabelle stole my boyfriend away from me. I didn't react. She tried to humiliate me over and over again, I still composed myself. All I did was punish her for speaking ill of my grandmother but in revenge, she tried to humiliate me once again by burning down all my efforts put into the making of the banquet a night before grandma's birthday. I ran Helter skelter, trying to look for a back up party so that my grandparents won't be ashamed of me. Tell me... WAS I WRONG?... IF THIS IS WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A PRINCESS...TO BE STEPPED UPON AND SMILE THROUGH IT ALL... I'LL RATHER BE A COMMONER!!!" I yelled at her, aggressively cleaned the tears off my eyes and walked out of the room and out of the house into the cold night, with just a little blouse and a shorts worn.

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