💮 Chapter 7💮: At the dinner party (1).

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  "Are you nervous?" I asked Mary who was visibly shivering.

  She smiled and shaked her head.

"It's okay to be nervous, darling. I remember my first outing with your mistress, I felt like the whole world was looking at me and If I made one silly mistake, the world will laugh at me. But I got used to it. In other words, you'd get used to it. Since this won't be the last time she'd be bringing you here, right?!" Tina said, giving me that crazy look she gives me when she's expecting an answer from me.

  Before I could answer, Someone opened the door. Although I didn't know who it was, I got down anyway only to be met by the handsome looking Justin.

  I wasn't actually expecting Justin, because Nanny hired another driver for me whose name I didn't even bother asking. All pleas that I wanted to drive myself fell on deaf ears.

  "A noble lady shouldn't be seen behind the stirring wheel on her way to a ball". She said.

  "What are you doing here?" I couldn't help but ask him, as he held my left hand and we both walked up the stairs. Flashes of the camera were everywhere.

  When we got to the top of the stairs, he put his left arm around my waist and pulled me into himself.

  "Being there for you, so that bastard called Ezra won't feel like he's the only guy you can ever have in your life". He whispered into my ear. I wanted to embrace him, before we proceeded inside but I restrained myself because the paparazzi were there.

    The guards saluted us as we walked inside. I must say that the interior was beautiful but I couldn't expect less from my extravagant aunt. I gave Justin's hand a little squeeze to signal him not to leave me.

"Wow... If I didn't know you two really well, I'd have thought you were a couple". I suddenly heard Annabelle voice. Her voice made my skin crawl but I smiled and endured it.

Justin continued walking but I had to stop him. "The paparazzi are looking". I  whispered to him.

  Justin and I turned around slowly to look them in the face. Facing Ezra and His monster, I gave a smile and said "If I hadn't Known Ezra well, I would have thought he also would descend so low to date a bitch with no cultural background. He must have been threatened". My plastic smile became wider.

"You do know I can tear you to pieces for what you just said, right?!" She said with a wider plastic smile.

"Oh, of course you can. Then Grandpa will have a good reason to take away the titles of your parents who didn't deserve those titles in the first place". I reminded her with a smile.

  " You, motherfucker-" she said angrily but Ezra's arm shaked her to order.

  "Princess, you forgot your clutch". Mary said as she walked up to me.

  I just love it when Mary does the right thing at the right time!

  Annabelle gave a fake smile before taking a good look at Mary.

"Who are you, young lady?... And from what nobility do you come from?" She asked Mary, who feared her greatly and out of fear hid behind me.

"She's Mary. The girl you wanted to skin earlier today, and she comes from my nobility!" I answered her.

  If looks could bury someone, I'd have been buried ten feet under the ground, from Annabelle glares. But I knew that she was restraining herself because of the cameras and if there was something she knew about grandpa, it was that he valued his reputation more than his life.

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