💮Chapter 11💮: Annabelle's hypocrisy.

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We all walked into the cafeteria earning a stare from everyone.  Phillips and I have been getting along pretty well, and he was also friendly to Tashie and Tina who always squeaked when he asked them a question. I've given him the nickname little idiot and he seemed really fine with it.

   Quite sure they haven't gotten used to him.

"What will you like to eat?" I asked him as we walked inside.

"Anything you want to eat, is also fine with me". He replied.

  As we all proceeded to a table, I heard the voice of Annabelle say "Hey".

  We all turned round to see who was talking.

"I was talking to the newcomer and not you old fools". She growled at us before putting on her innocent face back.

  "Hey". Phillips replied, smiling at her.

"I'm Annabelle Steven, the daughter of Duke Steven of Qillen" she said as she stretched her hand out for a handshake.

"Oh... That's nice. I'm Phi-"

"Phillips Henia, the immediate younger brother to Dure Henia. Of course we know you". She interrupted him.

"Oh... I guess I should feel honored?" Phillips asked scratching the back on his head.

"No need to be shy. It's an honour having you in our school. We are all looking forward to having a-"

  "Oh! Drop the act already Annabelle. Stop pretending to be who you're not or I might really lose my appetite. Besides this is a cafeteria not some business meeting where you have to be so formal". I complained.

  "That's my cousin, Eleanora Andrews, the most lovely cousin one could ever ask for" she said and I couldn't help but cough out loud. The sarcasm was blaring through.

  "Oh, I know her. She's been so nice to me since I came. And she's been very receptive of me". Phillips said as he looked at me.

"Hey, Idiot...Don't get the wrong idea. I just helped you because you had no where to sit". I said before walking forward a little, grabbing a chair and sitting down while Tina and Tashie sat down too.

The food had already been served on the table. Pasta and chicken sauce, two big bottles of wine and some other type of comestibles.

"I'm so sorry for my cousin's rudeness. She has always been rude and proud". Annabelle apologized.

"Oh, it's nothing". He said.

"Hey Idiot, won't you come and eat. I didn't eat before I slept last night, so I'm extra hungry this afternoon. If you don't come on time, I might have to finish it all. Don't blame me by then". I told him, he turned around and smiled at me.

  "Will you stand up from there?... That's the table we prepared for the VIP student" Another student yelled out to me.

  I swallowed the chicken I had been chewing, then looked at the animal who just spat.

"You better hide behind your bitch forever because if I get a hold of you!" I threatened before continuing what I was doing.

"Don't worry, we have another VIP table for you. You can seat at my table. We'll give you the best treatment there". Annabelle said and I couldn't help but cackle.

  I know it wasn't lady like to cackle but Annabelle's hypocritical behavior just couldn't help me.

"Thanks everyone. For being so receptive of me, but I'll rather eat with them. I'm so sorry to decline your offer. Forgive me". Phillips said before walking up to where I was seating, pulled a seat beside me and sat down.

"How could you even be so dum-"

"It's okay. I really do hope you enjoy your seat". Annabelle said before backing down with her girls.

  Finally...I can eat in peace. I thought as I couldn't help heave a sigh of relief.


  "So...Phillips, right?" Tashie asked as she dropped her smoothie on the table.

  "Yeah". He replied with a smile.

"How's our school?" I asked him. He looked at me and smiled.

  "It's good. Everyone has been so receptive of me so far". He smiled.

  "Of course. Your surname is Henia. They respect the name not you". I said as I took another spoonful of pasta into my mouth.

"Nora!" Tashie cautioned. I swallowed what I was chewing and looked at her.

"What?... Am I lying? In this school, it's either you got name, money, connection or brain, besides... Ouch!" I yelled as Tina stepped on my feet so hard I could feel my bones cracking.

  "Will you shut it!" Tashie whispered to me, giving me a glare.

"It's perfectly okay. You don't need to caution her for something she didn't do. She's just being herself. Besides, I really like the fact that she's honest with me. Not everybody is honest with me because of my family name". Phillips said.

  "Oh!... We didn't say she shouldn't be honest but sometimes Nora can be a spoilt brat since she's the king's granddaughter". Tashie said and he smiled.

  "It's better to be Spoilt than to be a deceiver. You're totally different from what I've been hearing about you". I looked up and dropped the fork.

  "What have you been hearing about me?" I asked with curiosity.

  "A lot. That you're proud. You're not friendly and you're bossy. You're annoying and never like to share your things". He said.

  "That's paparazzi for you. They can tell anything and make stupid assumptions just so they can sell their works. I'm happy you found out she isn't what the world claims her to be. Though she tries to behave like that sometimes so they can believe she is". Tina defended me.

  I pretended not to hear what she said though and asked him "Do you recognize this handkie?" I showed him the handkie that guy gave me under the rain.

  "Yeah I do. It's my brother's". He acknowledged, taking the handkie from me.

  "We figured. His initials are on it". Tina said.

"Could you show me a picture of your brother?... I've never seen a clear picture of him before". I confessed.

  The last time I saw his brother's face, it was through blurry eyes and heavy heart that I saw his handsome face. I can't really remember his face clearly but I remember the golden brown hair.

"Yeah. I also have never seen his real face. I only remember that he has a beautiful golden hair which covers half of his face". Tina said, supporting me.

  "Sorry, phones aren't allowed in this school so I didn't bring my phone. But I could actually introduce you to him tonight. My mum is having a welcome back dinner party for us".

"Are we really welcome to come?" Tina asked with delight.

"Of course. Why not?...You guys are the first set of friends I'll have in this country. We should hang out more too".

Tina squealed with joy. "I feel like you just replaced Justin in our lives". She said with excitement, grinning from ear to ear.

"In your life not in our lives! No one can replace Justin in my life. He's simply irreplaceable" I snapped. 

"What's wrong, Nor?" He asked as he looked at me.

"My name is Eleanora Andrews, you idiot. No one is allowed to call me Nor!" I snapped and walked out of the cafeteria.


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