💮Chapter 42💮: A shoulder to cry on.

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Fortunately for us, we arrived just in time. The guards stationed at the Royal Villa were just about to lock the gates. One minute later than that we would have spent the night outside in the cold.

  "Oh my goodness. Nora, this place is wonderful". Tina exclaimed.

  "Wow, it's been really long since we came here. The Villa is bigger than it was before". Lilou said.

  "Of course. Even the mountains now have stairs on them". I told her, as I got down from the car.

  "What of our things?" Tina asked.

"It's on its way. The car should arrive anytime soon". I answered her.

  We had to leave the suitcases behind and ask another bodyguard to drive it here. Just to make sure, the suitcases arrived on time, I made Mary monitor it all.

  "Woooooooooohoooooooooooooooo" Lilou screamed as she ran and jumped into the snow.
   "So, Nor... I mean, Nora. Where are we going to stay?" Phillips asked me as he rested his arm on my shoulders.

  "The blue Villa is for the boys, the white one is for we the girls". I answered, bringing out my phone and dialing Dure's number.

  "You're calling my brother?" Phillips asked with a surprised tone.

"Yes. Why?" I asked him but before he could answer, Dure had answered the videocall.

Dure looked like he was in a meeting with an earpod in his left ear, he was looking more handsome than usual.

"Heyyyyy". I greeted with a smile and he smiled back.

"I was expecting your call". He said.

  "Oh my, sorry for keeping you waiting. We just arrived". I informed him.

"Is that Phillips behind you?" He asked.

I was about to answer him, but Phillips snatched the phone from my hand and walked away angrily with it.

  Seems like they have a score to settle. I thought as I watched Phillips bounce off angrily.

  The cold breeze hit my neck hard because that was the only part of my body that was exposed. I looked around to see if I was going to see a good piece of clothing to wrap round my neck but my attention was caught by a girl seating at a very far side of the  Blue Villa.

"Isn't that Tashie?" I asked myself as I walked up to the figure.

    "Tashie, is that you?" I asked as I walked closer to the girl who sat at the corner.

The girl turned around to look at me, with her bloodshot eyes and pained face.

  "Oh my goodness, Tashie... What happened?" I couldn't help but ask. This was my very first time seeing Tashie cry.

I sat beside her and hugged her. She cried harder into my shoulders and I could tell that it was the pain from the heart.

  "Everything's gonna be okay" I whispered into her ears but she only hugged me tighter and cried into my shoulders.

No wonder she was quiet throughout the ride here. She didn't even look at Olive or contributed in the argument that took place between Phillips and Tina. I thought she was thinking of something that's why I didn't ask her what was going on.

  I patted her back and whispered that everything was going to be okay. But by the sounds of her cry, she doesn't look like she's going to stop crying soon.


  Finally, she was calm. It took her a long while to stop crying but finally she did.

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