💮Chapter 43💮: A walk in the mountains.

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  I woke up to the strong rays of light penetrating the room. Sitting up while my eyes took its dear time to recognize everything around me, I discovered that the curtains were put up.

   I dragged myself out of bed, just to put down the curtains. But when I got to the window side, I changed my mind when I saw how the sun was hovering over the mountains.

  It was a beautiful white morning. I sat on the arm chair that was close to the second window, and looked around. Then I picked up my phone so I could talk to Dure. I dialed his number but there was no answer. I dialed again, still no answer.

Since he was not taking his calls, maybe he'll call me later in the day.

"Good morning, your highness. How was your night?" Mary asked, as she brought in a tray.

  "It was interrupted because someone didn't close the curtains last night". I scolded her.

  "I'm so sorry, your highness. It wouldn't happen again". She apologized.

"It better not". I warned. Then I stretched forth my hand and took the tea on the tray which Mary was offering to me.

"Your highness, breakfast is in the garden". Mary announced.

"I've heard you. You may leave". I ordered her and she did.

  I took my time to sip the tea Mary served looking to the mountains. I was expecting a call back from Dure but he hasn't called back throughout the night.

I stood up from where I was seating and walked out of the room into the sitting room where Tashie was seating all by herself. Again.

  Silently praying that she isn't crying this time I walked up to her and sat beside her.

"Hey, Nora. Good morning. How was your night?" She asked me, rubbing my lap, absentmindedly.

"It was good. And yours?"

"I had a sound sleep. Guess I was too tired yesterday, cause I can't even remember how I got to the bed I slept in yesterday".

  "Olive carried you". I informed her. I was expecting her to look joyous. Happy. Excited that one of her many crushes carried her to her bedroom. But the only thing she said was "Oh, I'll thank him later".

    I was trying my best to restrain myself from asking her what was going on. So I asked her
"Tash, will you have a walk with me to the mountains?" I asked her.

  "Of course, why not?" She answered and her face lit up a little.

  Finally, a little smile from her. 

  I walked to my room and wore one of the coats Mary hanged in the wardrobe and walked out to meet her.

  "Ready?" She asked me.

"Of course". I replied and we both walked out.

  On our way, out of the Villa, we saw Olive on the way. He was on his phone.

  "Where are you going?" He asked us.

"Going for a walk". I answered him.

"Can I tag along?" He asked.

"Why not?"

He stood up, put his phone in his coat pocket and joined us.
  "Good morning, Tashie". Olive greeted her and she grinned. So wide that I almost thought her cheeks would tear.

  "You look so handsome in this green coat". She squealed.

  "She's back". I announced.

  "I'm happy you're back". Olive said, gently patting her back. Her grin turned back to a gentle smile and she looked at the both of us who were walking on each side of her arm.

  "Thanks for yesterday". She said.

"What are friends for?" I said and smiled at her.  She smiled back.

  We got to the foot of the mountains, where the stairway began.

"Wow, Grandpa has really developed this place". Olive said as he took the first step up the stairway.

  "Yeah. King Azad is a wonderful ruler. He also developed most of the under developed towns. Gave them free water and electricity. Also gave them a tax-free government. The farmers are now equals to business men and the traders are really having a lively income". Tashie said.

"A lively income but unbearable manners". I said to myself, remembering the trader who hit me with a chilli hand.

  "What?" I heard and looked up only to find two pair of eyes giving me weird stares.

"What?" I asked them.

"You were saying something about unbearable manners" Tashie reminded me.

"Oh, that. Just some ugly memories about a trader hitting me across the face with a chilli soaked hand". I said casually and started ascending the stairs.

  "A trader hit you? My goodness, what did you do to that trader?" Tashie asked.

  "You should be worrying about me and not that crazy trader". I told her, facing her squarely.

  "That's if the trader is still alive". Olive said.

"What do you mean by that?... I was the one who got hit. Unfortunately, I couldn't do anything to the trader, I just had to walk away". I told them, really pissed that they didn't even ask me if my face was okay.

"The princess Eleanora got hit and just walked away?... Do you believe that?" Tashie asked Olive.

"Considering how she revenged on Annabelle, I would say no". He replied and that just got me more pissed that I jogged up the stairs until they were far behind me.

   I sat down on the stairs, waiting for Tashie and Olive to catch up while I checked my phone for any missed calls.

  "None". I said in disappointment.

  Why on Earth is Dure not picking up his phone?
   I was already getting a little worried. In the past few days, Dure never missed my calls. And if he calls me, and I don't pick, he leaves a text. But now there was no text and no calls from him. It was quite disappointing.

  "Do you actually mean that?" I heard Tashie say as they both got nearer to where I was seating. I called Dure again hoping he would answer but I was put straight on voicemail.

  "Hey, Dure. If you hear this, please call me back as soon as possible. I want to speak with you". I said into the voicemail. Then hung up.

  "Why are you looking so tensed, Nora?" Tashie asked me.

  "He's not picking up". I complained.

"Who's not picking up?" She asked and then I realized that I was actually answering Tashie.

  "My brother. I've been trying to reach him but he isn't picking up his calls". I lied and she smiled.

"It's so wonderful to have a brother. Don't worry, he'll call you back. Or maybe he's trying to surprise you". She said and I heaved a sigh of relief. She of all people, must not know about Me and Dure. Not because I can't actually tell her but because, I'm scared of the teasing.

  "What were you guys talking about?" I asked when I noticed Olive's intense stares on me.

  "Oh, Olive told me that there are no bullies in his school which I find very hard to believe". Tashie said.

  "It's impossible for bullies to not exist in every highschool. Even I have a bully who's always on my neck". I told Olive.

  "We seriously don't have any Bully. We have the anti-bully squad In my school. And they are very good in what they do. What they do is, gather secret information on every bully, find their worst fear and use it against them in front of the whole school, then the whole school will revenge on that bully" Olive explained, while Tashie helped me to my feet.

"Wow, that's a nice top. I'll be sure to remember it when next I'm dealing with Annabelle". I said as we continued our journey up the stairs of the mountains.

  "Wow, I wish I could attend that school". Tashie said and I couldn't help but laugh at her. Not because she said anything funny but because I felt like it.

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