💮Chapter 3💮: Every girl gets curious

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  "What's wrong, Nora?... You've been looking so dull". I heard Tina say.

  I said nothing to her and fixed my eyes on the empty blackboard. The teacher, Mrs Black  who was the exact opposite of her name seemed to be busy with something on her laptop.

She had asked us to read Alice in the wonderland, and tell us the hidden facts about it. She was a weird woman who always brought us strange or childish novels for us to read and then called on anyone in particular to talk about the book.

Nanny had once read this book for me and I pretty much remember everything that happened in the book.

  My mind wasn't on the book though, my mind was practically empty. It was blank. My heart had stopped bleeding but it still hurts. My face seemed to be frozen and cold from the tears, and my eyes were dry of tears.

  Deep down, I hated the way I was. Vunurable, Weak and a crybaby. Who does that?

  My father had once told me, Do not let anyone treat you less than your worth. And never you cry in the midst of a storm, what you do, is smile because better things are ahead and look for a way out of the storm so the storm wouldn't drown you.

  I tried so hard for many years to keep that in mind. That's why anytime I feel the tears coming, I wipe them away. Although, Nanny had been there for me always. Teaching me what to do and what not to do. Teaching me how to behave and when not to behave.

  Someone tapped me, which dragged me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw Tina. Her lips were moving but I couldn't quite understand what she was saying.

  "Miss Nora? Could you kindly walk out and tell us the hidden facts that are found inside this short storybook called Alice in the wonderland?" I heard Mrs Black say.
  I felt my spine freeze as our eyes locked. I slowly stood up and walked to the middle of the class.

It felt so uncomfortable when everyone had their pair of eyes fixed on me. I faked a smile and felt the nervous sweat roll down my face.

  "Umm...Umm..." Was all I could muster up to say.

I stood in the middle of the class, staring weirdly at everyone as everyone stared weirdly back at me for what seemed like forever.

  "Since you seem speechless, then I'll give you time to read more of the book and come back to talk about it, tomorrow. Get back to your seat and make sure your mind is present with you". Said Mrs Black as I walked back to my seat more ashamed than I originally was.


We both walked to my locker to drop the books we used for classes and pick up the other ones we'll need for the rest of today's classes. It was lunch time though and so we had to be fast before the food was finished.

  "Hey Nora. Can you help me put these in my locker and pick up the ones for later. I want to use the restroom. I'll meet you in the cafeteria". Tina said and dropped her books in my arms before I could even say another word. And then, like the flash of lightening, she was gone.

   I went to her locker first and did what she asked me to do, before slowly going on to my locker. I dropped Tina's books on the floor and opened up my locker to put my books back in. But a piece of paper came flying out of the locker before I could do anything more.

   The paper caught my attention and so I dropped my books in the locker in a very clumsy manner just to see what the paper was all about. I wasn't really the type to be nosy or clumsy but sometimes I could be whatever I wanted to be. I rushed to pick the paper before anyone saw it but when I looked up and checked the hallways, I found only a few people in the hallways. The girl who was passing by gave me this look that said 'what's your problem girl?'

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