💮Chapter 26💮: Grandma's banquet

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"Where are you taking me too?" I asked, holding Dure's arm tightly as he led me to god knows where.

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

"I don't know. I just met you, remember?" I said honestly.

"Oh, my bad. You'll soon see though" was Dure's response.

After he picked me up from under the rain, he dried my hair with a towel in his hands, then he covered my eyes with a little blindfold and said I should follow him.

I didn't understand what he was trying to do but I did it nevertheless. Now, he held my hand while I followed him like a blind person. All I could depend on at this stage was my sense of hearing, but all I could hear were raindrops.

"Where's your younger brother?" I asked him, since I haven't heard Phillips voice in a long time.

"I asked him to get some things for me". He replied and continued to lead me.

After a long time of leading me, everywhere suddenly became silent. Then I couldn't feel Dure anymore.

"You can remove the blindfold now". Was all I heard and I obeyed.

It took me a while to adjust to the light that was radiating from the room. My mouth went wild open and I couldn't close it now matter how much I tried.

Everywhere was so beautiful. The banner said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE MOST DIGNIFIED QUEEN IN THE WORLD". Everywhere was decorated white and gold. Grandma's portrait was hanging at the door in a golden frame.

Everywhere was beautiful with white and gold silk clothes used to decorate everywhere.

"My brother and I did this for you. That's why you didn't see me the whole night". I heard Phillips say.

I was still speechless. The cake was quite gigantic with roses and Irises decorating the table and the cake itself. Tashie stood beside one of the long tables which had food in every corner. Every corner had it's own food and the chairs where white leather chairs with an iris flower sprinkled with glitter on each chair.

It was magnificent.

"I'm sorry, is this where the Queen's banquet will take place?" I heard someone say behind me. I turned around to see who it was.

They looked like they were from somewhere in Africa. Beautiful and traditional. One thing I love about Africans is, they are always proud of their culture and can where their traditional outfits anywhere.

"Yes. Welcome". Phillips said on my behalf.

My eyes locked with the African woman that was beside the man.

"Are you the one that organized this banquet?" She asked me.

I was speechless at first. When I found my voice, I was about to say no but Dure beat me to it.

"Yes, she did. She's the Princess Eleanora. The Grand daughter of the Queen". Dure said on my behalf.

"Oh, that's lovely. Such Filial attitude in a royal is rare. You look so tired and stressed. Even your hair is a mess. Go wash up darling, or you wouldn't want people to meet you like that will you?" She said and I smiled.

"Thank you, your grace". I replied and she nodded and walked away with her husband.

"Why... Why did you tell them I was the one who did all this?... That's like taking credit for what I didn't do". I scolded Dure once they had left, punching him in the process.

"Phillips told me how much you worked on the Dandelion banquet. You're my friend right?... I can't seat and watch you lose everything just like that. Besides, take this as a thank you gift".

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