💮Chapter 17💮: Royal Hostility.

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I woke up with a terrible headache. My head was pounding more than ever and I just didn't seem to know why it was that way. I looked to my right and found Green sleeping on the chair which was placed beside my bed.

  Could he have stayed by my side all night?

I tried to sit up and rest my back on a pillow but that seemed to wake my brother up.

  "You're awake already?" He asked, sitting up.

"Hey, don't get up. Just lay down and rest. You need it". He said, making me lay back on the bed.

  "What happened yesterday, brother?" I asked him.

  "You don't remember what happened yesterday?" He asked me.

  "No. My heart aches and I don't know why. Lately, I've been seeing things, then I pass out  but when I wake up, I just can't remember what I saw. It's like a part of me has been sealed somewhere". I told him honestly.

It was true. I was seeing things. But I just couldn't remember what I was seeing. And no matter how I tried to remember what happened yesterday, I can't recall what really happened but I know that it was something really scary.

  "Nora darling, no part of you is being sealed anywhere. You're okay. And don't rush things, when the right time for you to remember comes, you'll definitely remember. But for now, just rest". He said to me and I nodded.

  "Good morning, your majesty". We heard someone at the door say.

  "Grandpa and Grandma are here to see you". Green whispered to me and stood up from his chair.

  "Why are they here, brother?" I asked him.

"Because we are worried about you". I heard grandfather say in authority. I sat up and tried to get out of bed to greet them but Grandpa's stern words kept me in bed. All he said was "Don't move!" And my body glued in place.

"You, this child, when will you stop making us worry about you?... I couldn't sleep because of you". Grandma said as she laid beside me on my bed and Grandpa sat down on the chair Green stood up from.

  "Grandma, Grandpa, what happened yesterday?". I asked them, getting more confused on why they were here all of a sudden.

"You don't remember?" Grandma asked looking at me.

"No. Could you please tell me?" I asked them.

"You went to a party with Aunty yesterday and you were dressed like an African princess". Green said out of the blue.

" I remember that". I told him.

  "You were grumpy about the bodyguards Grandpa gave you and you threw a tantrum, then fell into a coma out of anger". Green said.

"Really?...Is that so?" I asked Grandpa and Grandma. 

"Yes" they both chorused.

"But Grandma...Grandpa... I really don't need a bodyguard. Seriously... I can do well on my own". I told them as I tried to convince them.

  "It is quite obvious you don't need them. You didn't make us worry sick about you yesterday". Grandpa said sarcastically.

"Stop protecting me, grandpa. Let me learn to protect myself. If you keep protecting me, how do you expect me to-"

"You are in no position to question my authority. Maybe when you have successfully killed a chicken we can reconsider. You are to carry those bodyguards with you wherever you go-"

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