💮Chapter 38💮: Catching up with my projects.

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   "Aren't you guys ready for school?... I'm already dressed". I called out to the girls who weren't even out of their respective rooms.

  I sat down on the recliner chair which was in front of the fire place and crossed my legs. I picked up the newspaper which was on the table in front of me and started reading.

  "Good morning, Princess. You woke up earlier than usual". Mary said as she dropped Morning tea on the table.

  "Mary, I don't want this today. I crave wine". I told her and she nodded before taking the mug off the table.

  "How's your back now?... Are you better?" I asked her.

"Yes, your highness. The liquid you gave us works magic". She replied and I smiled.

  "I'm happy it does". I said as I flipped the page of the newspaper.

"Umm... Mary, is this the latest newspaper?" I asked her.

  "Yes, your highness. It came in this morning". She replied before walking away to get me the wine I craved.

    It's no surprise that the girls weren't ready yet. In fact, if they were awake, that would be a surprise. I happened to sleep earlier than than the both of them, because I was avoiding their interrogation. But from what I heard from Ciara, Tashie played video games into the night and Tina spent her whole night in the library.
   I don't know if I should be happy that they treat my home as theirs or I should be angry that they touched a few things without my permission.

  Whatever. I guess I'll have to let them be.

"Princess, here is your wine". Mary said as she poured the wine into the goblet.


"Yes, your highness"

  "What do you think about Dure?"

"Your highness, I don't understand you" She looked confused.

"I mean, What do you think about Dure?... Is he nice? Is he handsome? Is he... I don't know. Just describe him with three adjectives". I asked her.

  "Umm... Okay. He's Handsome, friendly and helpful. And he seems to like you". She said.

I sighed and took the goblet from the table, gulping down all of it's contents.

  "He sure is Handsome". I said after emptying the contents of the goblet.

  "Why do we have to go to school today?... Can't we just stay home and rest?" I heard Tina complain. I turned to look at her.

  "You don't look to good right now". I commented, watching them drag their feet down the stairs. They both looked like they saw ghosts in their sleep.

  "Let's go" Tashie said, still dragging their feet.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked them.

"Yes. We have a project to do". They chorused.

"Remind me never to allow a sleepover on a school night". I whispered to Mary, before picking up the wine bottle and walking out of the mansion.


I promise on this very day, thirteenth of November, to never allow my friends to have a sleepover at my place, on a school night.

  Tina and Tashie, slept throughout the nine classes we had today. Tashie was even snoring, which got the teacher, so mad that he ended up giving us a hard assignment and walking out angrily.

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