💮Chapter 47💮: A banquet with grandma.

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   "Grandma?" I meowed. She looked up at me, then closed the magazine she was reading.

  "Why aren't you saying anything?" I asked her.

  "What do you expect me to say?" She asked me, looking clueless. That's the point. I'll rather have Granny scold me and tell me the rules of a princess than for her to pretend she saw nothing.

  After Granny saw Dure and I kiss at the door to the Villa, she said nothing and walked into the Villa. She sat on my bed, brought out a magazine and started reading. She hasn't said a word to me ever since, giving me the silent treatment.

   When she saw both of us, I was already confused on what to tell her. I couldn't deny Dure in front of Grandma neither could I tell her that I had feelings for him. But now that she's not saying anything, I'm more scared than confused.

  "Grandmama". I called her again, falling to my knees and shaking her gently.

  "What do you want, this child?" She asked me.

  "Say something". I begged her, I was already getting a panic attack, I couldn't endure it anymore.

  "Fine... I'll say something. There will be a ball for all nobles and powerful ministers of the land. My aim was to give you someone better than that moneysucker you called a boyfriend, Eziah or whatever they called him... but I can see that I was worrying too much". She said, then turned back to the magazine she was reading.

  "A ball again?... Why are we always attending balls?... If it's not a ball, it's a luncheon, if it isn't that, it's a dinner or a masquerade ball. If it isn't a masquerade ball, it's a banquet. I'm tired of all these crazy things". I complained.

  "Your only fault was being born into royalty". She said to me, not turning away from her magazine.

  "But, grandma, does that mean you support me and Dure's relationship?" I asked her, sitting on the floor beside her feet.

  "I have nothing against him. As far as he loves my grandchild and cherishes her. The only problem here, is your grandfather. He has been planning to give your hand in marriage to the son of the President of Russia, in exchange for some nuclear weapons". She informed me.


  "You clearly heard me. Your grandfather wants to use you to Ally with Russia". She said and I'mmediately my blood started boiling.

  "Is grandpa still living in the old days where girls were used as bargaining chips?!!!" I said with anger.

  "Be careful what you say towards your grandfather. No matter what he did to you, or how close he is to you, he is still your king!" She raised her voice at me.

"But grandma, he's using my marriage in exchange for nuclear weapons!!!"

"To who much is given, much is expected. He's doing this for a better nation. Using his favorite granddaughter shows how much he values you"

  "But grandma, I don't want to marry a stranger. Besides... I'm already in love with someone else". I begged her but she pretended not hear me.

  "Granny, please. Put in a good word for me in front of grandpa. Tell him to reconsider. Before he sleeps, tell him. He might even make a decree with sleepy eyes" I begged her  but she muttered instead "Can't remember the last time we slept together...how do you expect me to beg him?"

  "Well, all you can do is find a way to convince him. And that is your job to do". She replied. I whined and groaned.

  "I told you, your only crime was to be born as a royal". She murmured and I almost pull out my hair in anger.


"No need to fear me. I originally came for my granddaughter to celebrate her birthday with her but I got delayed by something important so I came late... My granddaughter told me that you all cooperated and planned my banquet for me. It was so wonderful but I haven't had the time to thank you all in person. Thank you Children". Grandma gave her speech, then she sat down.

  We were all here, having lunch with Grandma. Everyone was at the table including Dure who sat beside me.

  She had always wanted to personally thank the ones who planned her banquet but situations arose.

  All the maids grandma brought with her, poured wine in the glass of each of us.

  "A toast". Grandma said, raising her glass.

  "Cheers" they all said, clicking their goblet to each of their goblets.

I'mmediately, I gulped down on the wine and dropped it on the table, as the maid behind me, poured me another glass.

  I looked at Dure beside me, who smiled at me and winked at me. I didn't know if I should wink back or I should smile back at him. I just looked away as the thought of Grandpa marrying me off to Russia crossed my mind again.

    Why on Earth will grandpa arrange a marriage for me?... I mean, it's my life not his.

  Even Annabelle has the right to choose who she'll marry but not me?

   Should I tell Dure about the arranged marriage or I should just keep shut?

  I better keep shut, since Dure and I just started our relationship.

  "What's on your mind?" Dure whispered into my ear, which jerked me out of my thoughts. I looked into the eyes of my boyfriend. Then I gave an awkward smile and shaked my head.

  "Thank you, your majesty for this great opportunity to have lunch with you". Tina said, paying her respects to grandma. I looked away and started digging into the pasta in front of me.

  "You're so courteous. It's nothing. You all have been good friends with my granddaughter. Ignoring the fact that she's arrogant and sometimes can behave spoilt.  I should be the thanking you all". Grandma said.

  "You're welcome, your highness. Everyone has their flaws. We should also thank her highness Eleanora for accepting us the way we are". Tashie said, with her mouth full.

  "Drop the formalities, my dear. Drop the formalities". Grandma said.

I couldn't eat well while Dure was staring at me. I didn't want him to know that there was anything suspicious but at the rate he's looking at me, I might choke.

  I swallowed the pasta I had chewed and drank the wine in the glass hastily which in the course of rushing it, went the wrong way and I started coughing, hard. Causing the attention to be shifted to me.
  Dure, who sat beside me, started patting my back, giving me water to drink. 

"Babe,  are you okay?" He asked again. I shaked my head and I'mmediately walked away from the table.

   I ran straight to my room and laid on my bed, still coughing.

  Please, Dure. Don't come here

  "Babe?" I heard him call, his footsteps getting nearer into my room.

  "Babe, are you okay?" I heard him ask. I burrowed my head deeper into the pillow and pretended to be asleep. The cough was starting to reduce and I heard him pull a chair. 

I didn't dare turn to look at him. I just kept my eyes closed, hoping he'll go away soon.

But instead, he stayed. So I had no other choice but to continue pretending I was asleep which ended up in me falling asleep.




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