💮Chapter 12💮: The guy in the rain.

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  "Are you sure you'll be alright by yourself?" Tashie asked for the thousandth time today.

  "Go home already. I've told you, I'll be fine". I assured them for the thousandth time today.

  "What of that weird driver that Nanny gave you?...Where is he? Isn't he driving you home?" Tina asked.

  "He said he was having a scholarship interview today so after he drove us to school, I gave him the day off". I explained to them.

"Then who will drive you home?" Phillips asked.

"I can drive myself home"

"No way. I'm staying with you till you're done today". Tina said holding my arm tightly.

"You can't stay with me. It's very likely I go home late. Your parents will be worried!" I tried to convince them to leave me alone and go home but it wasn't easy at all.

During physical studies class, Mrs Black, the English teacher walked into the class and ordered me to wait after school today. She had asked me to come to see her in her office yesterday and I refused. She reported me to my grandfather who was her father and my grandfather gave me up for punishment.

  Actually, my grandfather had always wanted me to read business studies and study Economics with Political science so I could learn how to manage the family business and the country more but I've always been adamant to study medicine and become a qualified doctor. So because of that grandpa and I haven't exactly been in good terms or let me put it this way, There's always friction between us when he brings up that topic and I'm guessing that's why he's using Mrs Black to punish me.

  Now I have to stay back while others are going home, read and summarize two books of two thousand pages as punishment or else grandpa would make me go to the Philippines to study under my Grandma's sister and it wasn't that they were strict or anything but that place was just too isolated. I can't even make calls there.

  Grandpa just wouldn't give up.

"Phillips, drive them home. Don't worry girls, when I'm done in school and about to go home, I'll give you a call and don't worry about me". I told them as I patted Phillips on the shoulder.

"Promise?" Tina and Tashie asked, raising their pinky fingers at me.

"Promise". I assured them as we both pinky sweared.

"Okay. Be careful. And don't forget to call us". Phillips said before dragging those two whining ladies out of my sight.

  "I won't". I replied as I waved at the whining girls. When I was sure they were all gone, I ran straight to the library to start the punishment Mrs Black gave me if I was sure I didn't want to go to the Philippines.


I looked at my wristwatch and almost cussed out loud.  The time was 5:12.p.m  which means I have been reading this damn book for over 3 hours. I was a fast reader, reading wasn't my problem and I'd have been done a long time ago if Mrs Black didn't ask me to summarize each chapter.

I was almost done with the first 2000 pages book so I decided to finish it up and then go beg that cursed woman that I'll continue the second one tomorrow.

  I continued reading and paying attention to the hidden points in the book. Just then I heard a tap on the table  I looked up to see who it was and I couldn't help but show my disappointment when I saw her.

"How's the summary coming along?" Mrs Black asked. I decided to ignore her.

  I pretended not to hear and continued what I was writing.

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