💮Chapter 51💮: Royal humiliation

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  Each word from me earned him a slap.

  Anger could not explain what I was feeling right now. My hand roughly went through my hair over and over and over again.

  "Your highness, what do we do with him?" The bodyguards asked me.

  If I should punish this man with anger, I'll ask him to be hanged in front of the palace but no matter how mad I am with him, he is still Tashie's father and that's what annoys me!

  "She's my daughter and you have no right to punish me for disciplining my daughter". The old man said, looking me dead in the eye.

  The nerve of this man!!!

"Hovering over your daughter half naked with her unconscious on the bed, also half naked in a hidden room with a dull light on, is punishment to your daughter?... Well, I must congratulate you then, for showing me a new way of punishing my maids... LOCK HIM UP IN THIS MANSION. HE'S NOT TO LEAVE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!!" I ordered them.

  The reinforcement I ordered were already here and they all gathered round him.

  Tashie was rushed to the hospital by one of the guards who came up to me while the other one held the criminal bound. I wanted to see to it to make sure Tashie was taken to the hospital but I couldn't anymore when the criminal of a father attempted to escape.

   I would rather die than see this man escape from my very eyes.
It was a hot fight between the bodyguard and Mr Meadows the criminal. When the bodyguard I brought was almost losing, reinforcement came and handled him well.

  "Lock him up in jail and he is not to be tried!" I heard a more authoritative voice say.

  " Grandma" I called into her as she got down from the car.

"Your majesty!... I'm falsely accused. I did nothing wrong. I just wanted to punish my daughter for leaving the house without my permission". The man begged as he struggled to get away from the guards and hug grandma's feet.

  "Take him away. He's not to be seen until he's tried by the royal court!". Grandma ordered and the guards concurred.

  " Grandma" I called as I faced her. A Bodyguard brought out a sim from his pocket and placed it on grandma's palm.

  "Call the head of the royal entertainment office and also call The New times office, and send this card to them. I want to see this event announced on TV this very night. And announce it, that Tashie Meddows is now my adopted child".

"Yes, your highness". The guard replied and turned away.

"Lucas?" She called unto the guard.

  "Yes, your majesty?"

"Also shut down his company. Send everyone working there home!" She ordered.

"But Grandma, what of the people working there?" I asked her.

"I don't care how they survive. A father should think it well, before laying with his daughter!" She replied me and turned towards the car, while  Lucas the guard, walked away.

"Hold on Grandma, you knew about all this?" I couldn't help but question her.

  "It wasn't hard to guess it out. An absentee mother and a over protective father who doesn't even want his child to bring friends home or allow her to leave the house. It isn't new in this city but as far as they are caught, they must be brought to justice". Grandma said as her maid helped her into the car. I turned round the car to enter from the other side.

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