💮Chapter 52💮: Dinner with the Henias

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"Your father and I told you not to marry that man. We begged you and warned you. You refused. Now can you see the consequences for disobedience" Grandma said through the door.

What had happened the day before has affected Aunty Ariana Black so badly that she has locked herself up in her room and hasn't come out since then.

  Olive and Lilou haven't said anything since the incidence. They were all pained and down.

Tommorow was Christmas and normally all members of the royal family would have gathered in the palace by now but Grandma and I couldn't leave aunty Black alone when she needed someone to stay by her now.

  I didn't like the way the atmosphere was so depressing. It felt like, there was no hope for the future.

  Now that the parents are at fault, I do hope that the children wouldn't take it out on each other.

  Olive had always been distant from his father and Lilou wasn't so close to her mother. It was like they shared their parents.

As for Tashie and Olive, I could already tell that something was going on. I could already see the feelings developing.

But seeing how Tashie's mother felt no remorse in breaking someone's home, Olive might take out all his anger and frustration on Tashie.

I do wish them the best in their relationship and I hope they overcome this together. Because if they don't, then it would be a pain if such blossoming relationship dies before even showing how beautiful it would become.

  Speaking of relationships, a lot has happened and I haven't had a chance to tell Dure about my deal with my grandfather. We haven't even spoken to each other in a while. The last time we talked was during the dance.

  He called yesterday but Grandpa came to visit and I didn't have the time to even pick his call. I promised to call him later but from escorting grandpa, I had to save Tashie from the hands of her father, from there, I had to make sure she was okay and from there I went to see the drama happening at Lane 44.

  Everything was happening so fast and what hurts me most is, it all happened a few days to Christmas!

  "Nora?...Go home and have a bath. Dress up, eat and relax" Said grandmother as she sat in their humble living room.

  "What about Aunty Black?" I asked her, using the last strength in me.

"Leave her to me. I'll take care of her. Go home and rest. Christmas is tomorrow". Said grandma before signalling her maid to take me home.

    Lucas, who I found out later was Grandma's personal driver, drove me back home.

My body ached me. My head pounding. But what even hurt more was my heart. It was more than just disturbed. I knew it was. My legs felt numb. I don't know if it was me or my legs were just too lazy to move.

  With all my body giving me signs I needed to rest, my heart and my mind were widely awake. They refused the rest of the body from going to rest.

   I watched as Lucas got down from the car and opened the car door for me.

  "Your highness, we're home". He said.

I heard but I didn't respond. Not because I didn't want to but because I couldn't. My lips were too heavy to move. All that was working well now without worry was my eyes.

  "Your highness, what's wrong?" Lucas asked, poking his head into the car and looking up at me.

  "Thanks for bringing her home. I'll take it from here". I heard Dure's voice say.

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