💮Chapter 27💮: I must admit... Revenge is sweet

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    "This is the most exciting banquet I have ever experienced. You have a great and wonderful granddaughter, Azad. Don't exchange her for anything". Said an old Italian man.

  The banquet was over and everyone left satisfied. Granny was so pleased and happy. So was grandpa. In fact, everyone was pleased with me and as they dropped their gifts for grandma, they also dropped gifts for me. Most of them were checks. Money and so many other things.

  Here I was, seating with Grandma on her white sofa while Grandpa was greeting the old Italian man. They seemed to be great friends as Grandpa stood up to hug his friend.

  "I'm so proud of her too. I'll make sure to reward her and all those that had a hand in the banquet too". Said grandpa while grandma cuddled me closer. 

  "I'm so proud of you".  she whispered.

  "I'll escort you, my friend". He said and walked away with the Italian man.

  "I'm so proud of you, baby. This is the best gift anyone could give me. I've been dreaming to see a live circus since I was five. You just made one of my childhood dreams come true". She told me as she gently patted my hair.

I was about to tell her everything that happened but I decided against it. If I told her what happened, not only will she deal with Annabelle, she can also use it as a weapon against uncle Steve and I would look like the evil one. So I tried my utmost best to keep my mouth shut.

  "Sarai?" Grandma called on her personal maid who has been with her for the past fourty five years.

  "Yes, milady" she answered.

  "Reward everyone who participated in the making of this wonderful banquet with a thousand dollars each and for my granddaughter here, give her one of my healthy horses". She instructed Sarai.

  "I want Peter". I told her almost I'mmediately.

"I know you've always wanted that calm white horse and I've always been looking for a way to give it to you, but your grandfather said will should let you work for the horse yourself. And now, you just proved, you deserve it". Grandma said as she patted my hair.

  "Happy birthday, your majesty. I know you don't like me but you are my mother-in-law and I'm here to pay my greetings". Said Aunt Leila.

  "You are not my daughter-in-law and I am not accepting your greetings. Come my child, let us leave this place". Grandma said and walked away firmly holding my hand.

  "Long live the Queen". A stranger greeted.

Grandma and I turned to see who it was. An old lady, who looked grandma's age in a pink pan-suit was curtsying for grandma.

  "Nora, wait for me at the entrance. I have a little business to attend to". Said grandma and I obeyed.

I took a seat beside Tina as the domestic helpers cleaned up the hall. Tina, Tashie, Phillips, Olive and Lilou seemed to be having a meeting.

  "This meeting looks interesting". I commented. They all turned their heads to look at me.

  "Hey Nora". Lilou greeted as she waved at me. I smiled and waved back too.

  "We were just asking Phillips whose house was this?" Tina told me.

  "Oh, yeah. I forgot to ask. Whose house?" I asked.

  "My late uncle's house". He answered.

"Oh. The house is quite big. Your uncle must be very rich then". Tashie said.

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