💮Chapter 8💮: At the dinner party (2)

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After that embarrassing feat Tashie made us go through, the table was silent. We all watched the entertainment my aunt planned for the guests. No one dared to break the horrible silence.  All thanks to Tashie.

    As soon as the dancers were done with dancing and went away, Annabelle stood up.

  "Happy birthday to mother. Your filial daughter has a big present for you and also a presentation that I and Eleanora planned together". She said and I almost choked on the wine I was drinking.

  "Is that so?... Mother would really love to see it". Aunt Leila said and clapped her hands.

   Nice work, Annabelle. Trying to embarrass me. You Know I can't deny what you just said because of the paparazzi at the same time you want to embarrass me in front of all these foreigners.

  I must compliment your brain for having a good use since all this while.

   "Dance?... I've never seen Nora dance before. What the fuck is this idiot planning again?" Tina said angrily as she dropped her wine goblet.

  "She's not an idiot. If she was, she wouldn't have found a way to embarrass herself". Tashie said calmly.

  "You can't dance?" The strange new guy sitting next to me asked. It took me a while to answer.

  "I don't know...but I do know I'm scared of crowd watching me when I dance". I replied him.

  "Then close your eyes and let you heart do the dancing. Not your brain". He whispered to me and I locked eyes with him.

  His eyes were beautiful but strange. They were so comforting and yet so excited.

  "Thank you. I'll give it a trial". I whispered back to the stranger.

  "Come cousin. Let's show them what we can do". She said, with a fake smile, inviting me over so the show can begin.

    "Good luck baby. You can do it". Tashie cheered for me as I walked to the stage.

"I wish you the best of luck, princess". Mary cheered and all I did was give her a playful pat before walking up the stage.

    As soon as I walked up to the stage, a very familiar song began to play. Then, in her dinner gown, Annabelle started dancing even though the gown seemed tight for her.

  Everyone in the room started cheering and all eyes seemed to be on me. I almost started having a panic attack. But somehow, I locked eyes with the new strange guy and he mouthed to me "Close your eyes and dance with your heart".

    I was more confused. Annabelle's dance steps were more strange and her movements were getting faster she was dancing exactly to the beat.

  I wanted to run down the stage, but the cameras kept flashing. Finally the first half of the song finished and Annabelle stopped dancing. In a few seconds the second half of the song will start playing.

  If I don't dance, I'd become a laughing stock for everyone. But if I dance, no matter how strange it was, I'd just lie that I learnt it on the internet.

  So I closed my eyes and allowed my heart to lead me as the second half of the song was playing. Thankfully, my dinner gown had a high split, allowing my legs to be free.

  "One, two, three...one, two, three... One, two, three...for the last time, one, two, three..."

As I closed my eyes, I saw a woman with blue eyes held my hand and allowed me to dance in her steps, and this same song was playing. I can't remember the name of the song

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