💮Chapter 9💮: Justin's send off.

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"Why's everyone looking so sorrowful?" Tashie asked as she broke the thick silence.

   "Where are you going to, Justin, that doesn't have a name?" Tina asked him for the hundredth time today.

  If there was something I didn't like, it was forcing people to do against their wish.

"Leave it be, Tina. He doesn't want to say it. All we want is for him to be safe". Tashie cautioned her.

  "You know what?... I'll be taking us out today, so that this sorrowful atmosphere will just get lost". I said. I needed to clear this thick tension.

  "Yeah. Like a send off or something. Smart thinking, babe". Tashie said as she high fived me. 

  "That's wonderful, let's all start moving". Tina said jumping to her feet.


"Mary, go to the kitchen and pack a Picnic basket. Whatever that's needed should be put in it". I told Mary, as I got out of bed.

"Seems like we're going to borrow some of your casuals, Nora. We can't wear dinner gowns to a picnic". Tashie said

"Don't worry, I got the perfect clothes for you, since we're the same size". I told her.

"A picnic?... At this time of the day?...This is 8:30pm". Tina said.

"Anything to clear this tension, girl. Call it whatever you like". I told her.

  "Princess, Nanny specifically told me to watch you and make sure you don't get out of bed". Mary said.

"What's wrong with you, Mary?... Who are you serving exactly?...Nanny or Me?" I asked her, annoyed at that statement.

  "Guys! I don't want to go anywhere. I just want to-" 

"Shhhhhh" I shushed him, putting my index finger in the middle of his lips. "Take this as a send off". I told him, before asking Mary to walk him out.

  Justin told me the reason why he had to travel abroad. His sister had Leukaemia and the doctor who could treat her was abroad. So he had to travel with her and make sure she was okay before coming back. But he didn't want others to know, so he told only me.
    The atmosphere was tense and I saw how worried he was, so I wanted to wear off the tension.

    Mary walked Justin out of the room, Tashie  and Tina went to the other room to get dressed, while I ordered another maid, to get Justin casuals.


  "Nor?" I heard Justin call. I looked up from my bowl of ice cream.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Do you remember what you saw yesterday, while dancing on the stage?". He asked out of the blue. It was an unexpected question even though I was expecting it.

  "What?" I asked, just to be sure I heard him well.

  "You said you saw some flashes while on the stage. Can you remember what you saw?" He asked again.

"I can't remember what I saw. But I think I saw the face of a woman... Why are you asking all of a sudden?" I answered him honestly.

  "N...Not...Nothing. I was just worried about you". He said, as he ate a big spoon of his Vanilla ice cream.

  "Come to think of it... The song played yesterday felt so familiar. Like I've heard it before and I'm very sure that was my first time of hearing that song". I told him, as I suddenly remembered how familiar I was with that song.

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