✨Facts for the fans✨ { Special tips }

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Hello, hello, I know you guys want the cursed womb part 2 but there is a third lockdown in my country, online class sucks, and I have to rewrite my assignment because the teacher said the whole class' works are craps.

I already drafted this story but I don't know how to properly lay it out. I decided to calm my mind by reading "Mastermind" ( another JJK x reader fanfic ) and got inspired for the fun facts ( even tho the author already wrote so many chapter but- ) so I do one myself just because I think I have many interesting ideas I can give  without spoiling to much.

Here we go.

-( Y/N )'s beauty was first written to be nothing more just a magnet for people to love her but more and more time passes, I started to see it as a tool for something much deeper for her character. Stay tuned to know The Secret Of Kinomoto Clan.

-Ai will have some sort of connection with Choso

-Sukuna and ( Y/N )'s relationship will have a development meanwhile Mahito and her don't

-Ai was supposed to be a boy and be a lot innocent like a child but I thing that wouldn't be interesting. Then I was inspired by Ai Enma from Hell Girl.

-( Y/N ) couldn't control Ai because she is not a full cursed spirit. She could only ask for her assistant.

-I actually was thinking to kill Junpei during Shibuya Arc but was scratched cause I know y'all will be upset.

-Hana and ( Y/N ) will be a platonic love, if the manga futher up more about character, it might change.

-Kinomoto is one of the oldest clan ever know. It was discovered during the Edo era instead of Heian when it was the golden age of Jujutsu's Sorcerer.

-Kinomoto is actually from the story Cardcaptor Sakura. Sakura's full name is Kinomoto Sakura.

-( Y/N )'s height was inspired by mine.

-There will be concepts of Hell and Heaven in this story. I can't understand how they both works in the belief Buddha. I only know how Islam and Christian's ones work. All I understand is that Buddha have two Hells, one is hot and other is cold.

-I never confirm ( Y/N )'s sexuality. It's up for the readers to decide personally.

-I was soo freaking afraid to accidentally write her as a Damsel In Distress Doormat girl. I hope I don't. Just tell me if I do.

-I never really good at writing fight scene because that ( Y/N ) don't know how to combat. She uses her wand mostly.

-( Y/N ) was first to be written as an elegant gorgeous apathetic lady coming from a brutal clan who tortured cursed spirits either to train them or personal fun, the clan is called Kinomoto.

-Catch You Catch Me and Tobira Wo Akete are both Cardcaptor Sakura's opening songs.

-( Y/N ) lives near Yokohama.

-If ( Y/N ) don't be a sorcerer, she wanna have a domestic life in a home-shop cafe and live with a cat and a dog. Settling down with a partner will be the last thing in her mind.

-( Y/N ) does read fashion sometime to time. She kinda have a thing for royalty core since she likes history fashion.

-She have house-hold training like sewing, cooking, cleaning and etc. Not as frequently as the Jujutsu training.

-This story is actually first to be written at a surface level but then I just realize how many opportunities I have to make this story more interesting.

-There was actually a foreshadow scene I wrote. It was a reference to something in the canon story.

-( Y/N ) { new concept } was inspired by Sakura Kinomoto's personality. She said phrase like "ehhh..." same with Sakura.

-If Kinomoto and Kaizen meet, there will be a lot of unintentional flirting but good friends nonetheless

That's all for today. I hope you enjoyed my story so far. Make sure to check out my other stories, Otaku Sorcerress and Tobira Wo Akete.

Fact about me: I'm very picky about reading books. Especially fanfics. There a lot of things that can turn me off from reading one. Not the author or anyone's faults, it's just my picky ass.

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