𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 16

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It's been a couple weeks since the festival and the construction of the village has been going well. A system was set up to check everyone who wants to enter the village since alot more people has been moving in. Madara and diane spent most of their time together working with hashirama and of course tobirama stood by and watched.

"Its so hot today" Diane mumbled to herself as she walked down the street looking for madara. They were suppose to meet up to get something to eat. As she turned the next corner she spotted hashirama walking towards the meeting building. Everyone of course bowed to him being the founder and all. A little girl then came up to hand him a flower.

"Hashirama!" She yelled as she ran up to the senju. He turned and looked at ber. "Diane.."He said when she finally was next to him. "Are you here to see madara?" He asked then he started walking again and she followed. "Yes were getting something to eat". "I see. You two sure are close these days arent you" he said and smiled. Diane stopped and gave a confused face.

"What do you mean? I have to be close to my darling if I want to protect him. He is my master after all" she replied." I see. Though most I've heard about you is from tobirama and what I seen that day when the uchiha and senju were at war. I would like to hear from you who you are and what your powers are".

Hashirama then stopped and put his finger up. "Only if you would like to tell me. I'm not gonna force-". "Its fine. I'll ask my darling first" she said inturupting him. Hashirama nodded and a few moments later they both reached the meeting building. Madara then came out from around the corner.

"Darling!!" Diane yelled as she ran up to madara. "What" He said as he crossed his arms. "Hashirama wants me to tell him about myself and my powers but I didnt because I wanted to see if you were ok with it" she said as she smiled. Madara looked at hashirama who just rubbed the back of his neck and gave a guilty smile. "I'll tell him later". Diane nodded and the three of them were walked towards the shinobi academy.

The little girl who had gave hashirama the flower came out running and fell. Madara immediately ran to go help her with Diane following. He helped the girl up and diane crouched next to her. The girl looked up and met madaras face. Now everyone including madara knows his face is a little..intimidating.

The little girl jumped back and was on the verge of tears. Diane got upset by this. Madaras face was intimidating yes but it wasnt if he was ugly. "Oi. Brat. Why would you cry when he helped you?" Diane asked with a gaze even more scary looking than madaras. That scared the girl even more and she was really about to cry. Diane sighed. Hashirama then handed the girl the flower she gave him with a smile. She took it and wiped her eyes. She then got up bowed to all three of them and ran off.

Madara, diane, and hashirama then made their way to the top of the mountain where all of the village can be seen. Diane stood in the middle of the two. "Do you remember how we used to talk here when we were kids?" Hashirama asked. "Yeah.." madara replied.

"You wanted to know about diane and her powers?" Madara asked while turning to him. "O-oh yes. But you dont have to tell me if you dont want to". "Its fine but..diane" she looked at him and tilted her head. "You should tell him" he said and Diane nodded." If that's what you want darling". She then proceeded to tell hashirama everything about where she came from, and how she got to this world, how she and madara met and about her powers. She was nervous about telling him how she murdered everyone including women and children and told him and when she killed her sisters and mother.

When she finished talking both her madara looked at the senju awaiting his reaction and response. His eyes were widened and a look of shock washed over his face. This made diane frown which did not go unnoticed by madara.

"Hashirama" madara said with a serious voice. "O-oh! Thank you for telling me this diane. I'm sorry the beginning of your life was so rough"  Hashirama said and placed his hand on the girls shoulder causing her to look up. He gave her a smile which she returned.

"Everything is good now. I have my darling and hes been wonderful to me" Diane said as she looked up at madara and smiled which he returned with a nod.

Mintues later a gush of wind blew a couple of leaves around the trio and madara caught one that had a hole in the middle. "The leader of shinobi who protects the land of fire from the shadows. The fire shadow or hokage. Well?" Hashirama said and looked at madara. "What's that supposed to be?" Madara asked still holding the leaf in his hand. "The land of fire requests that we select someone who will represent the village. I'm considering naming you to be our leader..the hokage".

" I know you said you only have diane left but I'd like you to think of all of the village shinobi as your siblings. I want you to protect them the same way you and diane protect each other" Hashirama said proudly.

Diane noticed the sad look that washed over madara face. "Even though I couldnt protect my own uchiha brethren?" He quietly said. Those words caused diane to think about Izuna and how he would still be alive if she told madara the truth about her powers from the start. Even though madara said not to blame herself she still did.

"Theres no time to get weak right now! In addition to the uchiha and senju it seems the sarutobi and the shimomura clans also want to join" Hashirama exclaimed. "Really? Other clans wants to join?" Diane said surprised. Madara was also surprised. "Are you kidding? Are you serious?!" He said. "There are many others too! The village is going to keep expanding!".

"Were going to need to come up with a name for the village too..any thoughts? Hashirama asked looking at the two. "How about the village of my darling!" Diane stated as she threw her arms in the air and smiled at madara. Madara quickly said no which earned a laugh from hashirama.

Madara then looked down at the leaf and stared at it. He looked through the whole of the leaf and said "how about..the village..hidden in the leaves?" He said sounding very unsute. "That's a wonderful name darling!" Diane said. Hashirama got that depressed aura around him like how he did when he was a kid. "Its too simple.. it's not imaginative. You called it exactly what you saw" He said.

"Hows it different from hokage?! And you still have that habit of getting depressed easily!" Madara snapped at him causing diane to laugh. "So you're saying the role of the hokage is to stay in the village and protect everyone?" Madara asked. "Theres that but he'll be even more significant. The village building picks up speed so the hokage will be busier. That's why I want to have you likeness carved into this cliff at out feet. As a symbol of our villages protector!" Hashirama said

He diane and madara looked down below them. Madara then looked back up at hashirama. "You've got to be kidding!" He said obviously sounding nervous. "Though..your face is a bit too stern so it will have to be softened here and there" Hashirama said and winked at madara. "Well it beats that sad mug of yours!". Hashirama quickly got depressed again. "Is it that sad?" Madara started laughing.

"Yeah..its beyond sad" he said. Diane also started laughing to that. "Is that so..?" Hashirama said. Madara and diane started laughing even more. She loved to hear her master laughing. It was relaxing to her.

"There you are! What are you dawdling here for?". All three of them turned there heads to find tobirama. "The feudal lords from the land of fire will be here soon!" He yelled making diane cover her ears. "Its tobirama.." madara said. "OI! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU YELLING!" diane yelled back at tobirama who didnt bother to reply. He just stood there and glared at the girl which then madara glared at him.

Madara and diane took ther leave and went to go eat because that's what they were suppose to be doing when they met up.

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