Chapter 27

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Empty and alone. Those were the two words that defined Ayano Aishi. At least that's what she thought until a certain boy came into her life. Budo Masuta. He seemed to just barge into her life and couldn't leave her alone afterwards. At first, her private solitude was disrupted by his presence, he would talk to her, get himself into her problems and even scold her a few times. However, his company was slowly accepted and then eventually needed. Budo always had a smile on his face and warm, gentle eyes that seem to twinkle a her. He became someone who she needed, someone she craved for.

Ayano sat alone in her new room. Every side of the walls were pure white and void of any color or pictures. The bed she was seated on was just as white as the wall. Everything was so bland and lifeless just like how she was feeling right now.

"I wonder how long it will be before I go absolutely insane in this place." Ayano thought out loud as she stared at the blank walls. She wished there was at least some color on them.

Suddenly, Ayano heard the soft click of her room door opening. Her charcoal eyes narrowed at the now open gap as the unwanted person let themselves in.

"Good morning Ayano, did you enjoy your first night here at Mentaru Hospital?"Satoru asked with a small smile spreading across his handsome face. In his hand, he had a tray full of standard hospital food. Cereal, a plastic cup of apple juice and a side of strawberry yogurt.

"...." Ayano didn't spare a glance at him, her gaze lowered to her lap and her hands were tightly pressed against her knees. Seeing her doctor the first thing in the morning made her want to scream and punch the wall until her knuckles were completely smashed.

"Not much of a morning person are you?" Satoru comments noticing Ayano's silence. He casually steps into the room and closed the white door behind him.

Satoru walks to Ayano's bedside and hands her the tray full of food. Ayano, however, didn't move from her position and continued to stare at her lap.

"You should eat, I doubt you got any dinner last night." Satoru pries and tries to inch the tray into her hands.

"..." Silence was Ayano's answer. She could briefly smell the aroma of the cornflakes cereal and the sweetness of the apple juice. It made her stomach rumble and her mouth water a bit but she simply didn't want to give Satoru what he wanted. Ayano wanted to have at least some control of her new and forced life.

Satoru stared down at his patient quizzically. Ayano Aishi was like puzzle that didn't form any pictures when completed. Void of any color, complicated and most of all, hard to piece together. More than anything Satoru wanted to solve her puzzle but first he needed her to react.

Satoru slowly leaned down until he was face to face with his stubborn patient. He tilted his head in thought before slowly parting his lips. "I'm sure if Masuta-kun was here, he would want you to eat." Satoru murmured softly his thunderous grey eyes never leaving Ayano.

In an instant, Ayano violently smacked the tray of food from Satoru's hands. It clattered to the ground with a loud CLANK. Ayano leaps off of her bed and lunges at the doctor.

Being caught off guard, Satoru landed hard on the floor with Ayano straddled on top of him.

"YOU BASTARD, DON'T YOU DARE MENTION HIS NAME!!!" Ayano shouted in pure rage. Satoru could see the absolute fury and hatred in those winter cold eyes of her.

"Calm down Ayano, I only said that to get a reaction out you." Satoru says calmly looking up at the girl.

"NO, you just want to piss me off and gloat like the bastard you are!" Ayano screeched as her hands curled around his throat. Now she knew what color the walls needed. Bloody red.

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