Chapter 13

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"You are very important to me."


"You failed again, start over from the beginning!" A middle aged man in a Martial Arts uniform glares daggers upon his young student. He was tired of his student's countless failures and needed to see some hint of improvement or else he was going to turn his back on him.

"Yes, Sensei..." The student replies, the young boys face and uniform was drenched in sweat and his fists were slowly being chipped away by the scratches he had received from trying to break the solid board. The boy stares at the board with anger and determination in his eyes. He had been doing this for five hours straight, he was tired but he didn't want to fail his Sensei anymore. He wanted his Sensei to be proud of him for once. Before he could recoil his arm back and strike the board, a voice called out from the entrance of the Dojo.

"Oi, Sensei, is he done yet?" A boy was standing at the entrance already in his Martial Arts uniform. He looks at his Sensei with brown, impatient eyes. "I really want to train."

"Be patient, Sho." The man looks at him with softer eyes, Sho was one of his best students, one that never failed a move nor a test, he was the perfect student. "We still have a minute left here." The man looks back at his struggling student and his eyes harden once again.

The boy wipes the sweat from his face and focuses on the board that his Sensei was holding. Slowly, he recoils his arm back once again and picture himself breaking the board with his fist. The boy takes a deep breath and swings his arm forward as hard as he can.

"HYAH!" The boys fist meets the board and immediately a crack echoed in the room. The boys eyes widen as he felt his whole hand burst into pain. He lefts out a painful groan and clutches his hand with shaking eyes. He suddenly hears his Sensei sigh deeply and quickly the boys eyes glances over to the board. The board remained unbroken and undamaged.

"You failed..again." His Sensei says not surprised, he drops the board to the ground and it lands with a clank in front of the boy. The boy quickly looks up at his Sensei almost helplessly but his Sensei looks at him with firm cold eyes which made the boy revert his eyes in shame.

"Awesome, its my turn now!" Sho says piping up as he runs over to his Sensei and bows in respect.

"Yes, but let us train outside."


"Yes, with your skill level it is essential to be one with nature and be familiar with your surroundings." The man says and patted Sho's head almost fatherly. Sho beams at the praise and runs outside ahead of his Sensei to get ready. The man turns to leave as well when the boy suddenly spoke.

"I-I know its seems impossible to train me...but please...give me one more chan-" The boy began but was shortly caught off.

"No more words from you, silence!" The man says firmly, he no longer wanted to deal with the stress that came with training this student, besides their session was over and Sho was much more important to teach.

"..." The boy quickly looks down to the ground with clenched fists and tears brimming in his eyes. Why couldn't he be successful like Sho Kunin. He had the will but he didn't have the power to feed that will, he was weak.

"I thought you would have been a better fighter by now, but your the same as you were in the beginning." The man continues looking down at his student sharply.

"I-I know, but please-"

"No more, get out of my Dojo." The man replies turning his back to the boy. "I have other matters to attend to."

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