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They sat around the table staring at him in shock but Aramis barely noticed, he had just finished telling them who he truly was, who Merlin was......had been. 

He closed his eyes his hands clinching around the glass of whiskey he was holding as tears flowed down his cheeks, Merlin had been such a good friend he hadn't deserved to die like that. 

There was a creek and Aramis turned with the others watching as Arthur made his way into the kitchen looking as devastated as Aramis felt. His friends quickly stood up and bowed but Arthur stared at them blankly a faraway look in his eyes as if he was seeing something other than the room he was standing in. 

Aramis waved them of standing on shaky legs as he walked over to his old friend wrapping his arms around him trying to comfort his king. Aramis wanted to say how sorry he was but from the way Arthur was shaking it was clear the king was in shock, he pulled back and gently towed Arthur further into the living room seating him in front of the fire. Sylvie handed him a blanket and Aramis smiled at her before placing it around Arthur's shoulders trying to bring some warmth to his friend. 

Arthur stared blankly at the fire and Aramis gave the others a helpless look unsure what to do, they looked just as unsure as he did and he sighed turning back to Arthur and sitting next to him a hand on his shoulder. Aramis didn't say word but he knew that sometimes all that was needed was a comforting touch, some times all that was needed was someone to stand by a persons side showing solidarity. He knew that Arthur appreciated the gesture from the small nod he received and Aramis relaxed taking comfort in Arthur being there as much as Arthur was. 

Eventually Arthur spoke voice hoarse making Aramis jump "Why didn't you come back?" 

Aramis blinked at him trying to clear his mind. He frowned at Arthur before realising he meant Camelot and he sighed picking his words carefully unsure how he would react. He assumed that he knew about Merlin's magic but at the same time he didn't want to take that chance in case Merlin had still kept it from him. 

"After I walked through the veil I died" Aramis said as Arthur turned to him his vision clearing as if the story was grounding him to reality, out of the corner of his eye he saw someone move on the stairs but assumed it was Treville going up to his room so he didn't bother to turn around. 

The others all took seats around the fire still staring at Arthur and Aramis in awe, not that he blamed them. They had just found out that they were both men of legend, even in France people knew the tale of King Arthur and the Knights of The Round Table and their ally Merlin the sorcerer.          

"Then I woke up in some village in Caerleon" his mind brought up the memories as he recalled them, his eyes faraway as he watched the flames. Aramis shook his head and met Arthur's eyes who gave him a curious look and motioned for him to continue. 

"I started to ask around and found out that Queen Annis had just declared war on Camelot" 

Arthur winced a guilty look flashing across his face and Aramis raised an eyebrow in question and Arthur sighed. 

"I executed Caerleon" Aramis gave him a startled look. 

Aramis shook his head that was so unlike the Arthur he knew that it took him a moment to process and he frowned at him causing Arthur to shift nervously. 

"My father had just died making me King and Lord Agravaine...." Arthur paused his fists clinched and Aramis got the feeling that their was more to the story of Agravaine. 

Aramis gave him an odd look suddenly remembering that Agravaine was his uncle, something had clearly happened between them if the mere mention of his name made Arthur react this way. Arthur shook his head seeming to come out of his reverie and continued. 

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